Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Whenever making a change, I try to measure the risk versus the reward.  I took a big risk at my new job.  I cancelled our Fall fundraising event because I felt it had run its course and it was time for something new.  I got several furrowed brows and 2nd guessing for cancelling the event.  I begged for the board of directors and staff to just trust me.  Huge risk.  If these classes flopped...I would have egg on my face big time.  I measured the risk versus reward and moved ahead.  My new educational wine tasting classes would be a ton more money and a ton less work....in my calculations. I am pleased to report that the Sept class is sold out and both October and November are on their way.  Revenue is way up and people are happy....especially me.  I love to be right.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I was just sending a fax at work and my young early-20-something (hot) French intern was laughing at the noise this old fax machine makes.  It makes that same ol dial-up connection noise. Waaaaa-Waa-Waaaaaaa-Waaa.  Anyway.  I asked him if he remembers hearing that noise when logging onto a computer years ago.  He said yes, but when he was a kid.  Right.  I started telling him how much change I have seen in my 16 year career.  My first job at KOSI in 1994 I had a phone and a typewriter on my desk.  There were 2 computers in the building but they were for Sales Assistants only.  By the way....I had to explain what a typewriter is/was to him. I told him that I had to beg and plead with my General Manager at KOSI to get a website for the radio station.  He said to me...and I quote, "Oh Emily, I don't believe that www(dot) thing is going to catch on."  Oh my.  How things have changed. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


My reunion was an absolute blast.  Lots of late nights (hi, up until 4 am), laughs, tears and liquor.  Good times.  I was so happy to be sitting and chatting with my girls that I had a perma-grin for 3 days straight.  My anxiety about having to re-tell my Coach horror stories was not needed.  I wasn't asked but a few times and I was cool about telling a story here and there.  What a great weekend.

I flew home on the 10th anniversary of 9-11.  My parents were kinda freaking...and probably because my dad worked for Joint Terrorism Task Force-Homeland Security for so long.  The airport had this silent-air about it.  No one was saying it but everyone was thinking it.  It was eery in a way.  Most people whispered.  And security was extra extra extra extra tight.  I was ok with the tight security.  Pretty sure that was the safest day ever to fly.

I was so excited to see Ava and Todd.  When I hopped in the car at the airport and tried to kiss Ava she was shocked to see me...then turned her head away when I asked for a kiss.  She was pissed at me. No smile...just a sad furrowed brow. She's only 1 1/2 years old. All that night she only wanted Todd.  She would freak if I left the room...but wouldn't let me hold her or kiss her.  Silly girl.  Broke my heart.  The next morning I heard her calling my name....mama....mama....mama.  I went in her room and she started jumping up and down so happy to see me and so full of kisses.  That's my girl.  We had a great say playing & cuddling.  Back. To. Normal.  Phew.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011


I leave tomorrow for a weekend trip to Des Moines, Iowa.  A trip alone.  No husband.  No kid.  Just me and my college softball buddies.  I am both anxious and excited.

I am excited about two nights of uninterrupted sleep.  Ha.  I am excited to see my college softball girls....every time I see my girls... I laugh so much my sides hurt and I'm sore from laughing for days.  Good times.

One thing I am anxious about is the fact that my ol teammates love to tell stories or ask me to tell stories about the mean & nasty things my college coach did to me.  I can handle some of the more amusing stories...like when she kicked me out of practice because she couldn't hit a ground ball past me....and boy she tried....and tried...threw her bat at me...and kicked me out....I rock....just call me "the wall"....ha.  Anyway.  But I get tired of people thinking some of the things she did to me were funny...or that I want to relive them over and over....20 years later.  The things she did to me were down right abusive....physically and emotionally.  My teammates call me "Bad Dog"...our team mascot is a Bulldog.  Clever. Anyway.  I remember the first time Todd came to my reunion and he was listening to story after story of things my coach would do to me.  He pulled me aside and asked if the stories were true.  Sadly.  Yes.  He was astonished and said I should have pressed charges against her and/or beat the shit out of her.  Maybe I should have...maybe not.  I do know one thing for sure that bitch-on-wheels made me tough as nails....and it served me well in my career and my life.  And for that I thank her.  I also thank her for the excellent education I received with my scholarship.  And I truly thank her to recruiting me to play softball at Drake because I met the best friends....lifelong friends.  Thankful.

Monday, September 05, 2011


Broncos are #1!  Love this picture!


Our neighbors 2 doors down have 2 adopted children.  A girl who is 2...almost 3 and a boy who is 1 almost 2.  They are biological 1/2 brother and sister.  They share a birthday in December.  They are the cutest kids...and so happy....even though they both had a tough tough tough beginning in life.  It is clear that both have some delays or learning issues.  The mom told me that their biological mom has 8 kids.  Four of the kids are "missing" and they government tied her tubes after the youngest boy was born.  Sad.  Sigh.  Anyway.  We were playing with the neighbor kids at the park this afternoon.  The parents are so sweet and wonderful....saints.  As their sweet daughter was running circles around the playground the mom was telling us that when they got her as a foster child, doctors said she would never walk.  They were right....she doesn't walk.....she RUNS!  :)  I felt so happy and warm inside watching the love in their family.  The saints 2 doors down adopted 2 kids who clearly will have some challenges and showed them love.  In a loving home they are making huge developmental milestones.  So happy to watch those kids grow and bring joy to the world.  Love.  Powerful medicine.