Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Years Eve

Exactly 5 months from today is our wedding. Wowsa. Can't believe it. Deep breath. Tons to do still. We have enough done that we could get married tomorrow...but still more to do.

Happy New Years Eve to all. I hope you have a wonderful and safe celebration. Todd and I are going to his friend's house for a day-time party (these folks have wee ones...thus a Noon-Years-Eve deal) then downtown for a hotel party. I was able to score free tickets...and a very inexpensive price for hotel room at a swank hotel 1 block from the party. Sweet. I have a massive headache and head cold...and really really have no business going out. But the party machine has left the gate and we have already purchased our tickets. I am supposed to be getting ready to leave....and can sense Todd wishing I would get off of the computer and get into the I best run friends.

Cheers! So ready for 2008.

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