Saturday, April 25, 2009

Me Part Deux

About 2 months ago my doctor called me to check in. It was 9:30 at night and I was exhausted and had drank a glass of wine and was working on my second. The second I heard her voice I burst into tears. I had started my period that day and was at a loss. (Sidebar: For those of you who don't know me....I don't cry about stuff for me. I cry at movies and good Hallmark commercials...but that is it) Anyway. She was talking me off the ledge and I said, "I know, I know, I get all of that. But to add insult to injury I have gained a bunch of weight with NO change in lifestyle. I just don't get it." Silence on the other end. "You have gained weight?" (Note, when she met me I had already packed on the extra pounds...) She asked me to come in the next morning for a few more tests. She told me at the appointment she suspected that I may have Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. There were 3 tests I had to take to see if I have PCOS. Long story shorter...I was diagnosed with PCOS. At least I had an answer to the changes in my body and why we have had trouble getting pregnant.

Treatment. I started taking Medformin. I lost 7 pounds right out of the gate and started feeling better within days. Success. A step in the right direction.

Moving on...I also have issues with my thyroid. My family history includes thyroid cancer in my mom, both grandmothers, my uncle, my aunt and one great grandmother. Wow huh? I went to go see an endocrinologist. Your thyroid can also cause problems getting pregnant. I wanted to see if this could be an issue too. Oh...and your thyroid can make you gain weight too. Sweet! So I sat in her office and listened to her rattle off stats about how hard it will be for me to get pregnant and how hard it will be for us to have a successful pregnancy. She was rattling off stat after stat...and I could feel my face getting hot and the tears starting to fill up my eyes....until they spilled over my eye lids and the water works were unstoppable. I was hysterical. When I got home I was telling Todd about my experience there...which I am sure only dogs and dolphins could understand my squawking. He carried me to the couch and brought me tissues and a blanket. He had NO idea how to help me stop crying...he just held me. He wanted to call that doctor and bitch her out. Sweet Todd. I have this theory on doctors.....1/2 of all doctors graduated in the bottom 1/2 of their class....she was surely an idiot with no bedside manor.

I am now fed up with western medicine and desperate for a new approach.

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