Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Crazy Craigslist

Don't get me wrong, I love me some Craigslist. We have bought and sold tons of stuff on Craigslist and I am a super fan. For example, we bought a side-by-side stainless steel fridge for $800 (the price for the same fridge at Home Depot was $2400). Nuff said. HOWEVER, I seem to attract some weirdos on Craigslist that I have to sift through everytime I use it. I have received text messages at 9:30 at night on a Monday saying they wanted to buy the item NOW, they have cash, I must meet them at 10 pm at ____ and ____. Ahem. Hell and no. As the night goes on the texts become more and more crazy. IGNORE. I get spammed pretty regularly with these get rich quick stuff or other random things. And then yesterday, I spend a good part of the day emailing back and forth with this woman who wants to buy my Treo Smartphone. Questions about the condition of the phone. Questions on the operating system in the phone. Questions. After all of this back and forth we agreed to meet today at the Aurora Mall food court by the Subway at 9:30 am so she could look at the phone and hopefully buy it. FINALLY. We only went back and forth with about 20 emails. I look up the Aurora Mall on line, figure out which entrance to go into for the fastest walk to the food court (I see they have a Cinnabon....yum yum) so I am ready to be rid of this phone. I am getting ready to leave this morning and she emails me that she spent part of the money she was going to use to buy the phone last night and wanted to know if I would take $40 instead of $65. Hell no bitch. *Sigh* So there are some crazy rude peeps on Craigslist...but I am not gonna stop using it. The real crap of the deal today....was that I realllly had my mouth set on gettin me some Cinnabon with my phone money. That makes me hate that girl even more.

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