Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Both Todd and I are attending our 20 year high school reunions in July. Two weekends of reunions. Wow. It's been 20 years since we graduated from high school. Wow.

We told Todd's dad this weekend about the upcoming reunions and he nearly fell off his chair, "I can't be the father of someone who is going to their 20 year high school reunion, no way." We all laughed. I didn't feel so old after he said that.

I am on the planning committee for my reunion. At my school, the administration instructed the Homecoming Queen, Class President and Head Cheerleader that they were responsible for planning the reunions. I was Homecoming Queen. Blah blah blah. Anyway. (I was Prom Queen too...boyah!) Just kidding. No really I was. I was kidding about the boyah. Anyway. At the last meeting I felt like no time had passed since high school based on the behavior of the committee members. Background to this story is this...we did not hire a 3rd party reunion company to plan the reunion. The reasoning was to keep the costs low. Plain and simple. We are relying on word of mouth, flyers at our high school for grads who call for information, ads placed in our local newspaper, and social networking like, Facebook and google to get the word out and find people. We are doing OK...not great... at finding people. OK back to the story. At the last meeting one of the committee members actually said out loud, "well I am only looking for the people I care to see, I don't have time to look for everyone." I said, "so you are only looking for the popular kids?" To which she replied, "yes." I puked in my mouth and found a way to excuse myself from the meeting. Horrified. Some things never change. So I am trying to spend a little time each day looking for the non-looked-for people. I am having some luck. I hope they never know that I looked for them because I figured no one else on the committee would. Sad.

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