Thursday, February 02, 2012


My name is Emily and I am a Kardashian addict.  Ok.  I said it.  I'm an addict not because I look up to them or aspire to be like them.  No.  I just like watching the train wrecks they create.  It's mind-candy if you will. 

I was catching up on my dvr'ed episodes of Keeping Up with The Kardashians and was dying laughing at a recent show.  Kim and Kourtney went to see a psychic on the anniversary of their dad's death.  They are both bawling and carrying on about everything this guy was saying about their past and stories with their dead dad.  Uh.  All that "psychic" had to do was freaking google them and read all of those stories.  It was rich.  I was just sat there shaking my head.  Ha.

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