Monday, April 03, 2006

Strike Three...You're OUT!

My drive to work this morning was ridiculous. There are 3 major reasons why.
Strike ONE. The RTD drivers announced a strike yesterday and only 50% of the buses are more commuters.
Strike TWO. There were RTD picketers everywhere...and of course... drivers have to rubber-neck to look at them.
Strike THREE. Today is Opening Day for the Rockies. So...there are a ton of people coming downtown to party...who from my guess...don't come downtown much. I am thinking this because there were a ton of people driving slow and leaning in to look at street signs. Many idiots changing lanes at the last minute...and a ton of people trying to parallel park....who haven't done that since their driving test.
Never fear...I made it to work in one piece.... just 15 minutes late.

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