Friday, October 15, 2010


There's a saying that parents that hover over their kids and over-protect them are called "helicopter parents".  I see it all of the time.  Last night on Facebook I saw that one of my friends was bragging because he sold all of his kid's fundraiser candy bars for him.  Raising the money is not the lesson here.  The true lesson is having the child learn to earn money, be responsible for a goal, practice presenting an item to the public and learning how to sell.  That parent was so proud of himself, and I say shame on you.  You took away several wonderful teaching moments from your kid.  What you DID teach him was that he doesn't have to work in this world, daddy will save him and do it for him.  I remember when I was a Girl Scout selling cookies.  I worked my little tail off selling those cookies.  I never won the most sales....not once.  I was 2nd place every year.  I won 2nd place to the same girl every year....whose parents sold them for her at their work.  She never sold a single box of freaking cookies.  I on the other hand was out every Saturday ringing door bells and selling those cookies.  I wonder where the 1st place cookie girl is now?  Probably living in her parent's basement.  Ha. 

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