Thursday, October 07, 2010

Social Media

I am fascinated by Social Media....and quite frankly scared to death of it at the same time.  The voyeurism shocks me...and then it doesn''s human nature right?  That's why facebook is the phenomenon it is today.... right?  Anyway.  I saw it most at my 20 year high school reunion.  People I have never seen or spoken to in 20 years...(yet they are my friend on facebook) knew everything about me.  Most had never said even one word to me on facebook yet knew what I did for a living, what my daughter's name is, how many bridesmaids I had, who I still keep in touch with, how my siblings were doing...crazy. It was nuts.  So they had checked out my life without even making a comment.  I talk to so many people all the time who claim to be on facebook every single day, but never comment or post anything.  Odd right?  Part 2 of the things that shock me about social media is the sheer narcissism that runs wild in the social media world.  How arrogant of folks (including myself) to think that people want to know what I am doing, what I am think, how I feel or what music I like.  I post comments, status updates, pictures and other things on facebook all the time. Even this blog is laced with narcissism  Look at me!  Look at MEEEEEE!  Ha.  It's a crazy world out there now.  You don't need to leave the comfort of your home and still can feel "connected" with people.  Now THAT is what truly scares the crap out of me.  The lack of pure natural face to face interaction.  *Sigh*

The real inspiration behind this post is that 2 of my friends had a baby girl this week.  Everyone was so up in arms because they hadn't posted an update, announcement or pictures on facebook.  The baby is 7 hours old and her pictures aren't all over the Internet yet?  Made me giggle.  Now I am guilty of posting Ava's birth on facebook...I loved the attention.  But I had to laugh that everyone was soooo freaked that they hadn't posted....myself included.  Funny.  And to add insult to injury, we were all afraid to post on their wall CONGRATS for fear of stealing their thunder.  I had to laugh though, because the 2 people I was sure would steal their thunder....did.  Posted all over their walls CONGRATS before an "official" announcement had been made.  I mean, what if they hadn't gotten in touch with a special aunt yet?  She gets to hear of her birth from some loud mouth deejay?  Sad really.  It's a scary world.  Now I must run....a little girl is stirring from her nap.

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