Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Non-Hand-Washer

We are leasing a studio out to a Spanish speaking radio station. I don't really talk to any of them...but I do smile at them and ask how their day is going. That is about it. I was in the bathroom a few minutes ago standing at the sink washing my hands. I see one of their employees come out of the stall... glance at her hair... wipe her hands on her PANTS... and walk out the door. She is a sick non-hand-washer. Ewh! Ewh! Ewh! How do people NOT wash their hands after being in the bathroom... especially a public bathroom? Sheesh. Here is the real kicker. I just walked by the kitchen to see her filling her water bottle....and she is touching the handle to the water tank with her sick pp hands. People are gross aren't they?
On a side note...totally off subject. I have mentioned that I am coaching little 5 & 6 year old girls in softball. I have a crush on one of the coaches named Vince. I went to high school with him. And he is so hot and so cool. Anywhoodle, we are going for beers after the softball clinic on Sunday. Yay!

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