Friday, August 04, 2006


At my sister's bridal shower I had a chance to chat briefly with my mom's cousin Beth. I never see that side of the I guess it was nice to see her. She is a few years younger than my mom...but NOTHING like my mom. Beth's dad is my mom's dad's younger brother...does that make sense? Anyway. Beth and her siblings were all hippies in the 60's (and still kinda are today)...pot smokin'... motorcycle ridin'...tie-dye wearin'...hippies. My mom was the Sunday School Leader at her church. My mom and Beth are night and day different from each other. Growing up...Beth and her siblings were never nice to my mom. In fact, even to this day I have heard Beth make shitty comments to my mom....and that pisses me off.
OK... cut to now. Like I was saying, I chatted briefly with Beth at Natalie's bridal shower. As we were leaving Beth said (quite loud) "I have always liked you Emily...and now we are old enough to really hang out and party...we should get together." I thought my mom was going to have a heart attack. I think partly because Beth and that whole gang never accepted my mom. AND I think because my mom has never thought too highly of their lifestyle choices. I shrugged off Beth's comments and said, "Oh yea, that would be nice." My mom looked hurt.
I never called or contacted Beth...but saw her again at the wedding. This time she had about 15 beers in her and kept telling/shouting that we were gonna hang out and get to know each other. Beth wrote down all (I mean ALL) of her contact information on a cocktail napkin. After the wedding...I put off calling....and put off calling....and finally after a comment from my aunt that she was really hoping I would call... called her to set a time to get together. I really don't want to be her friend or get to know her more...for several reasons. She is mean to my mom. And...I really believe it would hurt my mom's feelings that her cousin didn't think she was cool enough to hang out with or even be nice to...but her daughter is. I would NEVER want to hurt my mom's least now that I am an adult...I don't want to hurt her feelings. Beth and I had plans tonight and she cancelled. Whew. I really wish I could just tell Beth how I feel...and that I am not interested in being "friends"...but she's family. I know she doesn't respect the concept of family like I do...because she is so mean to my mom....but MY MOM taught me to be respectful of my family. See....they are night and day different.

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