Thursday, August 31, 2006

Calling all pranksters!

I have a friend that has a good hollywood gossip connection. She always spills hollywood gossip before it hits the tabloids. Last year she told me a rumor that Tom Cruise and Rob Thomas (Matchbox 20) were secret lovers. Every time I hear a song by Matchbox 20...I giggle. I don't really believe this one...but here's a funny thought.’s what somebody’s gotta do...remember a year or two ago this prankster got a Michael Jackson lookalike and a fake entourage and made it look all official and snuck the fake Michael Jackson into some event somewhere? The press showed up and everybody bought it.

OK - Three words: Fake Tom Cruise. Get a 100% dead-on bulletproof lookalike, and then get Fake Tom Cruise backstage at a Rob Thomas concert....make it look totally real with an entourage and everything, and have Fake Tom Cruise go up to Real Rob Thomas like he wants to talk privately or something and Fake Tom Cruise tells him about how sorry he is that he denied their love. He wishes he had the whole thing to do all over again.

See…what…Rob…does!! What would Rob Thomas do? OMG! WWRTD?

If all goes well...Real Rob Thomas would even have Fake Tom Cruise come out on stage to sing a couple of love songs together during the show! I can see it all now on Access Hollywood, from the vantage point of, like, some cheap camcorder that was in the crowd.

This would be perfect! Someone has to do this!! Calling all pranksters! Ashton Kutcher, Jamie Kennedy, Tom Green....get TO IT! HAHA!

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