Wednesday, July 20, 2011


My big event was on Saturday...and it was a great success.  We had a 28% yoy increase in revenue.  Not bad for something I put together in 3 months working part time.  I worked my ever-loving-ass off in the weeks prior.  Sick amount of I was hardly part time.  Ha.

Sunday after the event I had planned to hang with Todd and Ava.  I planned a gorgeous dinner and we were gonna watch a movie....cuddle....snuggle and relax.  Around 3 pm, Todd went upstairs to take a nap and Ava and I went outside to swim in her pool.  We came in about an hour later to discover that the power was out.  It's eery how quiet our house was without the hum of the fishtanks and the AC. We got on line and found out that a huge sink hole happened on a main road by our house that had knocked power out to all of our city.  The website told us that they were working to get power back on for all.  We went out to dinner and when we came home saw that they had restored power to part of our neighborhood.  Hope!  By 9 pm we didn't have power and it was hot in our house.  Did I mention that it was almost 100 degrees that day?  Hot.  Ava would NOT go to sleep.  So Ava and I loaded up the car and headed to my parent's house.  Todd stayed behind to watch our food and take care of the animals.  Lucky for us that since I had been working so much there wasn't that much food in the house.  Really not what I had planned for our family night.  Power came back on around midnight.  Grrr.  It's amazing how dependent we are on power.  I felt Amish. 

 I took today off and am trying to catch up on some rest.  I slept in...Todd took Ava to daycare....I got a massage....then went to the farmers market...then came home and napped for 3 hours.  I am now of course sick...bad cough and sore throat.  Sweet.  Ava is at daycare right now and I feel guilty having her there when I am home....but I need rest.