Sunday, October 26, 2008

Vegas baby!

Todd and I booked a 4 day 3 night trip to Vegas this weekend! We are staying at the Mirage! Weeee! We also bought tickets to Criss Angels' "Believe" in cooperation with Cirque du Soleil. How cool is that? Vegas baby!

Half Time Promotions

Half Time Promotions. So the Texas Tech football team has had some issues with their place kicker. He was missing even the easiest kicks...PAT....(Point After Touchdown) extra point after the touchdown. Should be a given he can make those.....easy...right? Anyway. Poor kid was having a hard time kicking even the easiest part of his job. Last week during a half time promotion at a Texas Tech game they pulled a student out of the crowd and asked him to kick a 30 yard field goal to win some prize. He freaking nailed it. The Texas Tech coaches took note of this kid from the stands who just nailed a 30 yard field goal.

....that kid started today for Texas Tech.....and was perfect. Talk about destiny.

Best Buy Part II

Part II of my crazy visit to Best Buy. I found the Sex and The City DVD and along with my $20 walk man (ha!) and went to check out. Bam. I am done and back in the car. I get home with my 2 prized possessions. I pop the DVD out of the package and put it in the DVD player. No scrolling across the screen. Todd takes a look at the packaging. I bought a freaking Blu-Ray. Nooooooo. The back of the receipt tells me that I can't return opened games or movies. Poof. $30 out the door. I pick up the phone and call the store. After being on hold for like 20 minutes Jenny in customer service gave me some attitude and acted like I am the biggest dumb ass in the world....but agreed to exchange my Blu-Ray for a DVD. Good-freaking-lord. I went and exchanged the next day....and we are all good.

I can only imagine the shit-talking that is going on about me. I am the 1982 girl who wanted a freaking walk-man......and I am so dumb I bought a Blu-Ray instead of a DVD. Shrug. Ha!

Best Buy Part I

I walked into Best Buy packing my $50 gift card. I wanted 2 things; Sex and The City the movie on DVD and a radio to listen to at the gym.

My trip to Best Buy Part I:
I start winding the "music" section....looking for a radio....hopefully one that is small.....easy to use at the gym. I am not having any luck. I ask his teenager in the store, "Hi, I am looking for an AM/FM radio to wear as I work out." She gives me this puzzled look, "Do you want to download music to it?" "No, I just want an AM/FM a walk man," I respond. She looks totally confused. Seriously....has she never heard of a walk man? Damn I am old. She then says to me, "Do you want an Ipod or an MP3 player?" "Sorry, no, I want a $20 piece of equipment that I can listen to local radio stations," I say. She stops one associate and tells him what I am looking for. He says, "Oh I don't think we have stuff like that anymore". Shoot me now. WHAT? I work in radio....and people can't buy freaking radios anymore? OK. Finally she asks a manger. The manager points us to the very back of the store. They have 3 small work-out radios in stock that wrap around your arms as you work out. I felt like such a douche. I just wanted some crappy thing I could throw in my gym bag....freaking shoot me. Ha.

The hobbit

I am feverishly interviewing to fill two sales positions I have open. Until I find the right candidates....I have to cover the accounts lists left behind.....and be sales manager. Blech. I am trying extremely hard to find the right people and not just hire "the tallest of the midgets"....if you know what I mean. Anyway. Since I am now finding myself working several accounts...last Friday I was in a client's business picking up a check. This client is a jewelry store in Cherry Creek. As I sat waiting to pick up a check from the owner and convince him to stop advertising in the newspaper and put that money on MY station, I was pleased as punch to hear TWO customers in the store tell him they heard about his store by listening to my station (insert a picture of me curtsying....then pumping my fist in the air)....and no....I didn't plant the customers. :) Anyway. As I waited a series of the craziest shit ever happened. First, there was this woman who looked much like the scary "thing" in the caves in the movie Lord of the Rings..."precious". She was under 5 feet tall, visibly ON something, walked hunched over and her voice.....was spoooky. She had a bag of jewelry that was for sure not hers. She was trying to sell the gold and stones to the owner. Then 2 cops walk in carrying a sword, yes a freaking jeweled sword, and said to precious, "Oh geez, are you stealing jewelery again?" Precious answers, "Yessssss" (hissssss). The cops roll their eyes.....and WALK OUT of the store. WTF? Then there is this older couple in there to see the owner. They appear to be pretty well off. The man is white. The woman is Japanese and has a heavy Japanese accent. She has long pink fake nails. She looks at me and starts in. "NO baba....lady. Good lord, No baba. You vote for Baba? You? I thank you for allowing me in country. When I came here, the White House was WHITE, let's keep it that way." I am sure my mouth is hanging open. I don't say a word. Then she starts up again...."You American?" I say, "Yes". She says, "Thank you for allowing me to be in America. Let's keep the White House...white....NO BAMA." Seriously. What? I couldn't make this shit up.

Birthday Card Shopping

Last Sunday was Todd's birthday. I had a new experience shopping for his card this year. I started in the section of the cards I usually do....the funny and romantic cards. I am scanning and reading cards to find just the right one. I stroll the aisle. I stop dead in my tracks when I see a section I have never shopped in before. The section; To HUSBAND. Ahhhhh! My sentimental ass read through dozens of cards from wife to husband. I-AM-A-TOTAL-DORK. After finally finding the one that was just....perfect. I got the funny my husband.

My theory on corporate America

In light of the current financial world, here is my theory on corporate America.

Corporate America is much like the farmer with his plow. As the farmer is working the plow on his field he thinks to himself, "Hum, if I had a shiny new horn on this here plow...I could honk that horn and scare the birds away from in front of my plow. That would save me time and make it so I could work faster....and make more money," said the farmer. Honk!

The farmer plows along.

Then the farmer thinks, “Hum, if I had some new headlights on the front of this here plow I could work later into the night. That would save me time and make it so I could work faster....and make more money," said the farmer. Blink!

The farmer plows along.

Then the farmer thinks, “Hum, if I had a rear view mirror on the side of this here plow I could watch behind me as I plow instead of always stopping to turn around and watch my progress. That would save me time and make it so I could work faster....and make more money," said the farmer. Wink!

The farmer plows along.

Then the farmer thinks, “Gosh, I have sure spent a ton of money on this here plow…..I am in debt,” said the farmer. SO HE SELLS THE HORSE.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep....WTF?

There is this random alarm that goes off in our house randomly. Seriously. It goes Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep. Then stops. By the time we realize it's going off again....and run to the location of the stops. The nutty thing is that it's never in the same part of the house or the same time of day. Todd and I are....ok I am pretty sure (Todd is not 100% on board yet)....that we have a ghost. How else do you explain an alarm or beeping going off in different rooms of the house at different times of the day....with NO apparent source. Weird. I had a ghost at my condo on 13th and Josephine. My brother witnessed the mayhem with me before. So I have a witness. I will discuss the crazy things that happened in my condo in another post. Ahem. What to do about the random alarm?

Time stamp

I laugh at the time stamp on my blog postings. They are always wrong. By hours. The time stamp on my last posts today say's really 8 pm. Ha. Sometimes the time stamp is earlier than it really is.....or way later. I dunno why that is funny to me. But it is.

Ovulation Kit

I started the ovulation kit this month....just to realize that this might not be the best month to spend the $$$ on the tests. I was in Philly for work for 4 days earlier this week. Todd is out of town for 5 days. Humpf. Oh well. Hee hee. Still fun trying.

My bro

My brother Bob is in Georgia right now training to become an ICE Agent. Immigrations Customs Enforcement. Special Agent Andrews has a nice ring to it. The first half of his training was general training and included agents from all agencies FBI, CBI, ICE and more. Of the 60 agents at the training Bob graduated TOP of his class. Number 1 baby! I am so proud of him. The 2nd half of his training is just with ACE Agents and more focuses on his new job. He graduates on December 3rd. Then Bob and Rebecca (his fiancee) will move to Salt Lake City where Bob's first ICE Agent gig is located. Bob and Rebecca will get married in June of 2009. Cheers!

Alone time

Since Todd is hunting with my Dad....I have the whole house to myself for 5 days. I haven't had a whole weekend alone in over 2 1/2 years. I am not complaining that I haven't had an alone weekend per se....just enjoying my freedom. When I was single, I used to cherish my weekends. Because for the first 10 years of my career, I worked on the weekends....every weekend. So when I got far enough up in my career that I didn't work weekends anymore....I was very particular on who got to take up my weekend time. Many many many weekends I wouldn't see another person all weekend unless I chose to. Bliss. So this weekend has been wonderful so far.

Today's activities:
I slept in.
I didn't make the bed.
I got an hour and 1/2 massage.
I look like hell and don't care.
My towel is on the floor in the bedroom.
Blog baby blog.

.....what shall I do.....or not do tomorrow?

Common Denominator

Todd and my dad are in North Dakota hunting for 5 days. They left yesterday....get back on Tuesday night. I love that they want to spend time together. But on the same hand, I am nervous that I am not there. Weird? Yes probably. I couldn't put my finger on exactly why I felt that way until I was chatting with my friend Julie. She said, "well until now, you were the common denominator, they both had you in common....and had to go through you for everything." Damn. She hit it on the head. I hope that this trip brings them closer together....but I am nervous that they won't get along. Typing that just now made me shake my head. I am so sure that the 2 most important men in my life will get along and have fun....but what if they don't?