Tuesday, February 20, 2007


My dear friend Emily lost her father to breast cancer on Friday. My heart burst in a million pieces when I heard. My heart broke for Em. Her mom (they were married for 40 years). Em's husband. Her 2 kids. Her brothers and sisters A-M-E-N. Her nieces and nephews. And oddly, my heart broke for me. That feeling shocked me to the core. I saw my dad a few hours after I learned of Roger's passing...and I teared up a few times when I was talking to him. I realized that I was mourning the fact that I will someday lose my dad too....and it broke my heart. It's not fair. Our parents and grandparents are supposed to stay the same age as the day we met them. They shouldn't age or get sick or die. It's not fair.
I will always remember Em's wedding day and the way her dad looked at her as Em gracefully and elegantly entertained the guests....smiling from ear to ear. He watched her with this proud glow on his face. I took a mental snapshot of that loving look. I won't forget it.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Anna....may you RIP...but

I am floored that I have seen more news coverage on Anna Nicole Smith's death...than the recent death of President Ford. Sick. Even on the actual "credible" news sources are carrying an update on ANS' death every news cast. Stop it. I don't CARE folks. Honestly, besides being a pretty white woman....who was a train wreck of a human...what did this person add to our worlds? I blame these 24-hour news sources from making Americans crave dirt...and lack a thirst for real history.

Long lost blogger

A post from the long lost blogger......

I got a call at 3 pm yesterday at work informing me that I would be giving a 25 minute presentation/speech for an insurance company staff of 75 TODAY. Wha? Gulp. Deep breath. I wrote a speech and practiced it....and all went fine. But oh damn. Public speaking has never been my long suit. I am just like Jerry McQuire - I am the Queen (King) of the Livingroom. I can work a small room. But not a conference room of people. I will get better....even though I know I did an ok job. I set high standards for myself.

I have never been a fan of Valentines Day. Ever. But this year....I enjoyed the perfect amount of Valentines. Todd and I made Valentines cards, exchanged small gifts and had a lovely dinner at his house with a fantastic bottle of wine. Bliss.

I started coaching again a few weeks ago. The girls from last year's team are 7 months older...and it's amazing how much they have grown. They are very adorable and already developing into fantastic softball players. My favorite player from last year, Hannah, is not on the team this year. She wasn't sure if she wanted to play again this year...and the deadline past. I saw her at the softball clinic this past Sunday....what a dolly.

Congratulations to Cherill who is expecting her 4th baby. Holy shit. Four kids. Ha. The baby is due in Sept. She invited me to go with her to her amino....I am honored.

My sister and her husband moved back to Colorado in September....and despite many phone calls wanting to see them and their new place....nuttin. I guess I may never have a close friendship with Natalie. Breaks my heart.

My windshield has an annoying crack that goes from one side to the other. Pisses me off. I know it will be about $200 to get a new windshield. I keep virtually shopping with that $200...thinking of other things I would rather spend my money on. Damn.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

That buzzing you hear

That buzzing you hear is me...the busy bee. My new gig is fantastic. I love working in the non-profit world. Today I thought would be a sick busy day. I had 6 interviews scheduled (we are hiring a p/t receptionist) and in the middle of that....a lunch with one of my staffers who works out of her home wayyyy up north. Well. Four of my 6 interviews canceled. Yes. Canceled. And the nutty thing...this job pays really really well for a part time gig. Anyway. And my staffer needed to postpone due to an early morning trip to the emergency room with her small child who has a bad cold (he's ok now). So.... I have actually found a moment to post on my blog. Sadly, I can't even remember the last time I posted.

The other night, Todd and I got into an interesting conversation about a subject that I haven't been able to stop thinking about. The discussion surrounded the topic "If you were able to take a time machine back in history to witness any event (large or small) as a participant or an observer....what would it be? And would you be a participant or an observer?" I was able to come up with some good ones....but nothing that made me say - YES! That is the ONE event I would choose. Many of the ones I came up with that night were historic sporting events, Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech, a Beatles performance in a small pub just before they broke it to the big time, several religious occurrences….but nothing that really stood out as the ONE event I would want to see. Since I have been thinking about this for days….as of today…the one event I would want to observe my birth. Is that selfish? Maybe. But I would love to really BE there (other than a squirmey screamy baby) to hear what my family said and did. Humpf. I think that sounds weird. I know I was already there. Again….humpf.