Monday, April 21, 2008

Wedding Invites are OUT was a labor of love....but our wedding invites hit the mail last week. I think they are gorgeous. We worked really hard on them....and just love 'em.


Ok. Unless you have been living under a rock, you have seen coverage of the women from the polygamist sect that was taken over in Texas. Good. Freaking. Lord. Every single one of the people I have seen on tv look (and probably are) in-bred. Scary. Have you ever seen a puppy from a bad puppy farm? They have this dumb deer-in-the-head-lights look all of the time. They are lovable...yes. But you can see the stupid in their eyes. Just straight up stooooopid. I see the SAME thing in the eyes of all of the people this polygamist sect as put forward as their "media reps"....the ones to speak to the media. Which by the way...has been only women until today. Wowsa. I am scared to see the ugly people they didn't want us to see.

....heard from somewhere in Texas...."get off me're squishing my cigarettes." Ewh.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Roadside Memorials

I get a twinge in my stomach every time I see one of those roadside memorials. Generally, it's a cross with flowers and pictures....on the side of the memorial of someone who died in a car accident near that location. For whatever reason, there are a ton over by my house. On my way to work I see about 8 along this one 2 lane sucks. I am amazed how often there are fresh flowers at the memorials. Some of them are even decorated for holidays. Makes me incredibly sad....and it also makes me drive safer and slower. I lost a good friend when I was 25 years old. He died along a 2 lane highway in a tragic accident. I wonder if someone keeps up a roadside memorial for Mikie?

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Todd and I went and met with our wedding photographer tonight. He's a cool guy and the meeting was awesome. We are driving home and WHAMO. A huge ass red-breasted robin was hit by the truck next to me then slammed into the left front bumper of my car...then slid up my windshield and on to my roof. The poor bird got stuck on my luggage rack. Dear Lord. It was flipping around on my roof as I drove...FLIP FLIP FLIP....stuck under the luggage rack....and giving off white feathers that flew off behind my car like smoke from the exhaust. I was freaking. Drivers in other cars were pointing at the freaking bird on top of my car. I KNOW. I KNOW it's up there you dummies. Todd is in the car behind me and I hit my brakes and he pulls along side and my car. I am distraught. He calls me and says we will pull over on one of the dirt roads by our house and get him off and bury him. We do. He was dead...thankfully....when we pulled over. He took the snow scraper and got him out from under the luggage rack. Honestly. What would I have done without him? You know what? I know EXACTLY what I would have done. Drove straight to my dad's house and had HIM take that bird off of my roof. Ewh. We buried the robin up and said a prayer.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Two months from today

.....Todd and I will be basking in the sun at our honeymoon resort. We are going to Dreams Tulum in Mexico. Seven days and seven nights of bliss. All inclusive. Alll good. We are in a deluxe suite with an ocean view. Can't-freaking-wait. Can't-freaking-wait. we come. :)

Emily's galore

So. Much to the chagrin of my future mother in law, we only registered at Crate & Barrel. So. We decided to register at another place....Bed, Bath & Beyond. We go in and set up this registry. When I went back in to check on the registry....there are 7 girls with the same first AND last name as me getting married around the same time as me. WTF? Seven other women with the same name as me are getting married around the same time???? Nutty huh? I had to laugh. I almost feel robbed in some way. I guess I had no idea so many people have the same name as me. It's MY name. Weird. And...these same name girls are getting married around the same time as me. Do these future brides mourn the name change like I am? I love my name. I am my name...had this name for 35 years. I soooo want to take Todd's name. Just a little weird. I wonder if the other girls with my same full name think the same thing. Humpf.