Come & relax now~Put your troubles down~No need to bear the weight of your worries~You let them all fade away~
Monday, January 22, 2007
Pretty Women
My new gig rocks friends. Rocks. I love it. I discovered that I needed to expand my Business Barbie wardrobe with some even more grown-up-girl business suits...you know...the classic kind that you buy in fancy stores. (Ha) So my gorgeous beau and I went to the mall in search of a few hot suits. NOT old-lady or super-masculine-not-so-female suits. I am talking H-O-T! I was told by the girls in the know to go to Talbots Petites....so we did. We picked out 2 fantastic pants suits....2 very Jackie O looking suits. I LOVE THEM. As the sales gal was ringing up my small fortune, she slips me a phone number and tells me "call this number if you (I) ever want to shop before the store opens, I (she) would set that up, a private shopping experience." Uh? WHA? I have never been offered THAT kind of shopping perk. Just like Julia Roberts in Pretty Women. If I ever actually do the private shopping day....you bet I will order pizza (just like the movie). On another subject....I am sick and tired....tired and sick of the freaking cold and snow. I know...I live in Colorado....but damn. For the 5th week in a row, we got more snow. AND...I just heard that we will get more this weekend. Tired. Sick. Tired. Sick. On yet another subject....I told my sister and her husband that I would put their wedding photos to music on a video slide show as my wedding gift. (Shh....no mention that the wedding was in late June). Anyway. I have made an executive decision to pay someone to get this project off of my desk. Folks. Looking for some extra cash? I have about 100-125 digital photos that I would like put into a slideshow for DVDs with a few transitions and music in the background. Wanna make some extra moolah? Let's chat. I don't have time to do this video. I have tons of good intentions...no time.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
I'm Lovin' It
I am 4 days into my new gig....well...in the office (training in Dallas not included). Besides the fact that I think my brain is leaking out of my ear due to too much information...all at once...things are going great. I have spent my career observing some pretty shitty behavior by management...and making a mental note of it....thinking..."someday...when I am the boss...I will do it different." Well...now I am the boss...and I feel that I am making good on that promise. I was given a list of Dept. Heads to meet with to do an Orientation. I have decided to treat everyone in the office with the same respect...and I am meeting with everyone in the office...even the part time receptionist. If the boss doesn't understand that everyone who walks in the door of the office has importance...then who will? Anyway. To quote a great marketer.... I'm Lovin' It. I have to add....I am used to being in an industry where people are crude. Where the sexual harrassement flows like the booze. Where some people say FUCK every other word....in meetings. Where other managers have commented that my boobs look good in my new shirt. I NOW work in a world that I have YET to hear even a "shit" or "hell" from a coworker. And no one is commenting on my boobs. Wow. Is this the real world? Ha.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Space Junk
So...the news stations were calling the meteorite that I saw "Space Junk" on the tv last night. I giggled every time. The word JUNK cracks me up. I have heard people use the word junk to describe so many other things other than actual junk...that I crack up.
Out of the wood works
I mentioned that my new job was published in the radio trade mags...well...lemme tell you....old names and blasts from the past are coming out of the wood works. I have gotten so many phone calls and emails full of encouragement....and many....shouting congratulations for getting out of radio. Ha.
Well Denver got another freaking snow storm....3rd Friday in a row we have gotten dumped on. Sweet. I AM OVER IT! On the way to work I said "Damn...folks!" about 73 times. People....when it snows...scrape the ice and snow off of your car before driving. People...when it snows...and you don't have a car that can go thru 3 feet of snow...don't try....you WILL get stuck. People...when it snows....4-wheel drive helps you go...but doesn't help you stop. People...when it snows...and you are walking in the street...look UP and watch the cars on the road...they are bigger than you and can kill you if they hit you because they can't stop. People...when it snows or there is any precipitation....turn on your headlights. People...when it snows...and you can't see the lines on the streets....pull your head up and look around and watch the other cars around you and follow them. People...when it snows...don't drive like a total ass hat*. *Ass hat: (noun) A person who has their head so far up their ass that they wear their ass as a hat. Todd was the first person who ever used that term around me and it cracks me up every time he says it. Em P introduced Asshattery to me and I have never laughed so hard. Good work.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Once in a lifetime
This morning I had a meeting at 8 am. Yuck. I spent the night out at Todd's....so to make it on time I had to get up at 6 am. I rolled out of bed and into my car and started my 45 minute trek home to get ready for work. At about 6:15 am I see this huge ball of reddish fire with a tail of white sparkly light...that looked like what I would guess that stardust looks like. I pull the car over, flip on my hazards and turn off my lights to see it better. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Then the ball broke into about 4 or 5 smaller red balls of fire with a white sparkly stardust tail....then it burned out. NUTS! It was awesome. I was driving west...and the thing (that was later determined as a SL-4 rocket body that re-entered the atmosphere over Colorado and Wyoming) was traveling north to south in a horizontal line. At first a million things ran thru my head.... "Dang, is that a plane crashing?" "What in the HELL is that?" "Holy shit." I flipped the radio on...and within a few minutes every station in town was taking phone calls on the "meteorite." NUTS! I was pissed off that I had an 8 am meeting...but thankful that I did because I witnessed a once in a lifetime experience.
I got it!
I have been on pins and needles for a couple weeks now hopin' and prayin' that I would get the job I had been interviewing for....well folks..... I got it. Whew! Hoorah! This is a huge gig for me and I am sooo happy! I am leaving radio after 12 years to enter the non-profit world. I had to laugh....the national radio publications had my departure from radio as a freaking headline today. Must have been a slow news day!
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Here is a rambling of many things to share. Gina and Steve welcomed their baby boy to the world on Dec. 29th at 9 pm. His name is Ian James and is 7 lbs 7 oz and 21 inches long. I can't wait to meet you Ian! With the 2 blizzards (yes 2) we had over the holidays in Denver...I was out of the office pretty much for 2 weeks. Getting back into the swing of things today was tough...but I am finding time to post on my blog...so it must not be THAT tough. Ha. The holidays were blissful. I loved the snow...even though I fully admit to being SICK of driving in this crap. I have never seen a storm stick around so long here. We went to Katie's 30th birthday party on Saturday night...the night before New Years Eve. It was a masquerade party...and all guests were to wear Venetian Masks. Very fun. I love theme parties. I will post pictures soon. The party was at our friend's house wayyyyy out west...so we rented a hotel room with the plan to take a cab to the room. We couldn't get a cab all night. Todd tucked me in on the couch saying he would wake me up when the cab got there.... he was up until 4 am trying to get a cab. He's such a peach. We ended up sleeping/laying wide awake on the couch until 7 am...then drug our tired asses to the hotel. I had to work a radio station event on New Years Eve morning...so I left the room and went straight to the event. Sweet. It was worth the lack of sleep...because the party was super fun. New Years Eve was fun...just my kind of NYE. Todd, Bob and I walked over to our favorite pizza joint. I had my mouth all set for our fav pizza "Fat Brando" and much to my chagrin, they were out of several of the toppings due to the storm and slow delivery trucks. Dang! Regardless...still had a good time. We played video games and drank a few beers. I brought along "Crackers" for the celebration. They are a tradition started by my old room mate Jennifer...her mom was from England. I love 'em. Anyway. The boys were sports and wore the paper crowns (from inside the Crackers) for a few fun pictures. I will post those later too. We went home around 10:30 pm...and Todd and I were in bed for the New Year. Kiss kiss. Happy New Year. Click (off went the tv)......slleeeeep. The next morning I clicked the tv on to find out that Darrent Williams, one of our beloved Denver Broncos was murdered at 2 am. He was 24. One of his teammates Javon Walker held Darrent in his arms as he died. What an horrific thing to happen. My prayers go out to Darrent, his 2 small children, his mom, all of this friends, family, Denver Broncos, Javon Walker and any one else involved. Heartbreaking. On New Years Day, Todd and I went for Sushi then to go see "A Night at the Museum". Cute. Predictable. Funny. After the movie we went back to his house...made some dinner and watched another movie.... "The Last Kiss" with Zach Braff (one of my favs). The movie was about relationships....period. The message I got from the movie was that no matter how perfect a relationship seems from the outside....no relationship is perfect. That saying you love someone is nice....but SHOWING someone you love them is most important. Parts of the movie were tough to watch....but all in all...it was entertaining and I would suggest others see it. ....and today....back at work....waiting for some good news.
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