Sunday, February 04, 2007

That buzzing you hear

That buzzing you hear is me...the busy bee. My new gig is fantastic. I love working in the non-profit world. Today I thought would be a sick busy day. I had 6 interviews scheduled (we are hiring a p/t receptionist) and in the middle of that....a lunch with one of my staffers who works out of her home wayyyy up north. Well. Four of my 6 interviews canceled. Yes. Canceled. And the nutty thing...this job pays really really well for a part time gig. Anyway. And my staffer needed to postpone due to an early morning trip to the emergency room with her small child who has a bad cold (he's ok now). So.... I have actually found a moment to post on my blog. Sadly, I can't even remember the last time I posted.

The other night, Todd and I got into an interesting conversation about a subject that I haven't been able to stop thinking about. The discussion surrounded the topic "If you were able to take a time machine back in history to witness any event (large or small) as a participant or an observer....what would it be? And would you be a participant or an observer?" I was able to come up with some good ones....but nothing that made me say - YES! That is the ONE event I would choose. Many of the ones I came up with that night were historic sporting events, Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech, a Beatles performance in a small pub just before they broke it to the big time, several religious occurrences….but nothing that really stood out as the ONE event I would want to see. Since I have been thinking about this for days….as of today…the one event I would want to observe my birth. Is that selfish? Maybe. But I would love to really BE there (other than a squirmey screamy baby) to hear what my family said and did. Humpf. I think that sounds weird. I know I was already there. Again….humpf.

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