Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Hysterosalpingogram. What a big word. Say that word 10 times fast. Ha. It's the test that I had yesterday. You learn these kinds of words when you are having trouble getting pregnant. Test after test after test. Overall the test...not horrible. Took about 15 minutes once I was in there and undressed. The parts I didn't like....The whole checking into the outpatient area of the hospital. Freaky. The cold table. The nurse who stood over me and kept asking me if I was ok. I just wanted to close my eyes and sing the "meow meow" song...and imagine myself in Hawaii. She wanted to make sure I hadn't fainted (or as she told me afterwards) Oh...and I hated the large piece of XRay equipment that made me feel trapped and claustrophobic. Those were the only bad things. I didn't have the intense cramping I was warned about. Phew. I took the whole day off. It was a good mental health day for me. Good news. The doctor told me that my fallopian tubes are open and everything looked good.

Todd came home last night and brought in the mail. I had 12 pieces of mail for me. Of those 12....9 were invoices for my tons of tests and doctor visits. I needed a glass of wine to open all of them. I spent 30 minutes today on the phone with the testing lab contesting charge. Ahhh good times. But I did get her to take the charge off. Victory for me.

As I layed on the cold table....my head wandered. At what point do we start talking about adoption? *Sigh*

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