Sunday, November 07, 2010


Time and time again I am reminded why my path was to be with Todd.  During the "single" years countless times I would feel like God wasn't listening to me....He wasn't answering my prayers.  Back then, I would have a boyfriend who I thought was wonderful....and I would pray that we would be together forever.  And time and time again....things wouldn't work out.  I know now it didn't work out because I am supposed to be with my dear hubby Todd....he rocks the casbah.  So anyway as I mentioned I was once again reminded of why my prayers went unanswered...this a party.  I saw an ex who I haven't seen in 10 years.  Long story short he broke up with me because he felt like I worked too much, I was too focused on my career.  Many times during the "single" years I wondered if I made the right decision. Well folks let's just say....I did.  Alex married the girl he hooked up with literally the WEEK we broke up.  His friends called her the "revenge f*ck" to me.  That made me laugh back then.  Anyway.  He and RF are friends with one of my friends.  Who knew?  Small world.  Alex has not made much of himself and supports his family by playing professional poker ON LINE.  What the?

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