Monday, April 04, 2011


I start my new job tomorrow.  Besides having the normal starting-a-new-job jitters....I am really nervous about all the change in OUR lives.  My job schedule affects me, Todd, Ava, my parents and even our pets.  Ava will be with my parents on Tuesdays...and at school Weds and Thursdays.  Change.  The dog and cat have gotten really used to having people around all of the time.  Fine.  They will adjust.  Todd will have to get up earlier for work and working late will not be a possibility some nights.  Sigh.  And I will have some night and weekend events to run.  More change.  To add insult to injury Ava woke up late today and she had puked sometime this morning.  Boo. She didn't even cry after she puked.  Poor boo.  I got her up fed her breakfast and she was acting like she felt fine.  Then sitting at her 1-year old doctor visit this morning she puked all over me.  Poor girl.  I hope she's not getting sick after only being in school 2, 1/2 days last week.  I am having anxiety.  I'm the one who wanted to go back to work and my need is making so many people's lives different.  I need to take a deep breath.  I need a pep talk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's gonna be ok. :-) says the insurance guy..