Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Crazy that I haven't posted in over a month.  I need to be better.  I think of things to write about all of the time and don't make time.

I feel like we are getting into the swing of adjusting to our new schedule now that I am back to work.  I don't feel a ton of anxiety every morning afraid I forgot to do something.  I like routine in the mornings.  Ava is enjoying school and learning new things all the time.  She is a little chatter box (shock) and I encourage her to talk.  I may be sorry someday...and wanting to play the game..."let's-see-who-can-be-quiet-the-longest".

My job is going really well.  I have made some significant changes to the way things work in my I just need those changes to work.  I cancelled some annual events this Fall that didn't make much if any money and replaced them with a series of Educational French Wine Tasting Classes.  I think we will attract a younger crowd and a new audience.  Fingers crossed.  Sales are slow...but pacing well.

On my drive into work today I smiled as I thought of the people in my life.  I only surround myself with people who truly love me and fill my soul.  I have successfully "weeded my garden" of negative "friends" and people who EXPECT me to do certain things for them without asking or saying a simple thank you.  I feel fully loved...and I love fully.

Ava has been having restless nights of sleep for the past week.  She is teething like it's her full-time job. This morning I felt 4 new molars coming in.  Several times a night, she wakes up and calls for me.  I give her some oragel and I hold her.  When she falls asleep I lay her back in bed.  She's a sweet girl.  The other night I was exhausted and so tired but I reminded myself that I have to cherish this time in her life.  She will only be this little for a short little that she can lay on my chest and sleep on my shoulder.  *tears streaming*  I laugh now because I kept kissing her as I was thinking about this...and she gave me one kiss...and then told me no more kisses mama....I want to turning her head away from me. 

Life is grand.

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