When we first put the new fish in the new tank, one of the new fish was wigging out. He was scared. He swam right into the caves of one of the big rocks to hide. He was a smaller fish (3 inches) We kept watching him and checking on him as he hid. Later we noticed that the other fish kept swimming up to him in the cave and checking on him too. I looked in the tank and saw his face sticking out of a hole in one of the big rocks. I picked up the rock and shook it under water. He didn't move. He was stuck. He had gotten himself stuck in the rock. What a dum dum. I gently touched his nose...to push him out. We was VERY stuck. Todd went to the garage to get a hammer to break open the rock to get him out. Before breaking the rock, Todd the "fish charmer", tickled the fish under his mouth and he wiggled out of the rock. The fish had a small scrape on the side of his face....but he was ok. His name is Dum Dum. It's all about timing right? He was a Dum Dum to get stuck in the rock.
I like your new tank.
Thanks Bob!
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