Sunday, April 26, 2009

Eastern medicine

My friend Em P told me that her sister Meg went to an acupuncturist that specialized in infertility and gave me his name. She also suggested I reach out to Meg and tell her my story. Meg also had fertility issues (Note: HAD fertility issues...she has one daughter and is pregnant with her 2nd...and due any minute) :-) That was the best advice I could have ever gotten. Meghan was a light in the dark for me. She understood the isolation we feel when we are having trouble getting pregnant. She said that there was a medical study done on depression...with woman who are terminally ill and woman who are experiencing infertility and the woman with infertility issues were MORE depressed that the women with a terminal illness. Sigh. So Todd and I went and saw the acupuncturist 2 weeks ago. A-maz-ing. I ovulated the NEXT day. What the? I had never had a positive ovulation kit. I have seen him 2 more times in the last 2 weeks. I had a 28 day cycle this month. This is a step in the right direction. Ovulation and a regular period in 2 weeks. I am ALL IN. I feel better. I have a good outlook. This is good stuff.

On a side note, my mom told me yesterday that she had 4 periods a year her whole life. The same 4 months every year. Now she has 3 if she can do can I. PCOS is genetic maybe my mom had it too. She had a hysterectomy years we will never know. My mom's sister was told she could never have kids...she had a son.

Todd has been on a fishing trip with the boys for a week...he is due home any minute. I-CAN'T-FREAKING-WAIT to see him.

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