Chivalry. I have been witness to many different kinds of chivalry in the past. But I didn't really appreciate it until now. Now that I am 8 1/2 months pregnant. Todd and I were at Bonefish Grill for a romantic Valentines date on Saturday. We were waiting for our reservation. The place was packed and I was standing in a corner with Todd feeling squished by the masses. Never before had I been more aware of the men sitting in the few seats there were available than that night. My back and my feet were killing me and I would have paid $20 to sit down. I kept a smile on my face anyway...how could I not smile? I was with Todd, my Valentine, and we were having a wonderful date. Sweet Todd asked me so many times if I was ok...and hugged me. Then, like a knight in shining armor, this one younger gentleman tapped me on the shoulder and offered up his seat. *Sigh* I said thank you several times and so did Todd. Chivalry. It's a good thing. That seat was worth every cent of the $20 I would have paid for it.
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