Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pet Peeves

I am in a sassy mood again I am going to list some pet peeves I have. I had so much fun with the list of people I could do without...a list of pet peeves is in order. Enjoy.

Drivers who don't use a turn signal.
People who read out loud what they're typing in an email or letter.
Kids who tease dogs through a fence.
Couples who sit on the same side of the booth when there is no one on the other side.
Parents who bring their young kids to R rated films.
People who sit next to you on public transportation or in the movies even when there are other seats available.
Noisy eaters.
Women who wear jewelry that clinks and clacks and makes noise when they're at their desk or keyboard.
Using speaker phones in public areas at work.
People with bad table manners.
People that snoop.
Drivers who won't turn right on red OR from a one way street onto another one way.
Double negatives.
Non hand-washers after using the bathroom.
Celebrities claiming to be environmentalists.
People who ride their bikes in the road when a sidewalk is right there.
People who don't send thank you notes.
People who don't cover their mouth while sneezing or coughing.
Jerks who take up 2 parking spaces.
Women who wear too much perfume.
People who don't know the difference between its/it’s, they’re/their/there and your/you’re.
People who leave shopping carts in the parking lot instead of taking them back to the corral.
The naming of celebrity couples (Bennifer, TomKat, etc.)
When people say 'supposebly' instead of 'supposedly'.
When people don't clear the microwave numbers.
When people don't RSVP to an invitation.
People who refer to themselves in the third person.
People that tailgate when you're driving.
People who don't look at you during a conversation.
People who put their feet up on the seat in front of them in movie theaters.
Athletes who point to the sky after scoring.
Bad breath.
Loud motorcycles.
People who spit on the ground and don't look first to see if anybody is around.
Men who refer to “babysitting” their own children.
Email with no subject in the subject line.
People who talk on their cell phone or text at the movies.
People who wear sunglasses indoors.

You might think that it must be pretty hard to know me. Well. I at least tell you when you are pissing me off. Ha.

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