Wednesday, May 04, 2011


This going back to work, being a part time stay-at-home mom and being sick all the time thing is for the birds.  So tired of being tired and sick. Sick and tired.  Ha.  I had the longest day yesterday. Got to work and was busy all day.  They are getting full-time work out of me...for this part time job.  Then at 5:15 pm I am grabbing my purse to go pick up Ava and one of our board members walks in my office and plops down to chat.  She has a 6 pm French class here and just wanted to say hi.  Dammit.  I try to politely tell her I need to go pick up my daughter, but she wasn't catching my drift.  Ava was at my parent's house yesterday so I knew I could be a wee bit late.  They won't charge me a $1 a minute for being daycare does.  Ha.  Anyway I finally get released from my hostage situation and rush for the door.  Traffic was ridiculous.  And THEN as I am merging onto I-25 from 6th Avenue this stupid guy on a motorcycle cuts ME off, then flips ME off and I miss my exit.  Oh well...I go to the next one and turn around but it added 15 minutes to my already long drive.  THEN as I am getting close to home I witness a car accident right in front of me and decide to pull over and give my statement.  Thank goodness no one was hurt.  I didn't get home until 7:30 pm.  Poor Ava.  She was OVER it and tired.  And so was I.  Cheers to a better day today!  :)

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