Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I hate people

I know it sounds like a terrible thing to say...but at least once a day I find myself saying "I hate people!" Always in reaction to some idiot. My current personal favorite are the people talking on their cell phone while driving. I do it too...but I have a hands-free device and I don't drive like a dumbass. People on their cell phone while driving... drive VERY slow. Have you ever noticed that? Then, they don't think ahead about what their next turn will be (because they are distracted) so they are driving slow... and then hurry up to turn or change lanes at the last minute...with one hand on the wheel and the other on the cell while violently whipping their head from side to side. I hate these people. I play this game with myself where if I see some person driving like how I described above...I pull up next to them to see if I am right...are they on their cell? Yes, about 90% of the time. My new thing is I get their attention and close my cell phone and mouth... GET OFF YOUR CELL PHONE AND DRIVE! I hate people.
I hate the people who have 25 items in the 14 and under line at the grocery store.
I hate people who ride bicycles on city streets. There are parks for that. I nearly KILLED a man on a bicycle yesterday (this is a regular occurrence) ...he was wearing a patch over one eye...which must have been cutting the blood off to his brain because he totally rode right out in front of me. I had to squeal my tires to avoid crushing him....everything on the front seat flew to the floor. Then he cussed at ME!
I hate people who shout on their cell phone in close quarters to other people. In that same vein, I hate people with loud annoying cell phone rings.
I hate people who bring children to bars....not restaurants...bars...and just because the bar serves food...doesn't make it a restaurant.
I hate the people who beg for money on the streets of downtown. I can't walk 2 blocks to the gym without being approached at least twice. I just plain hate people. Ha.
For the record....I am not bitter....I am not pissed off...I have never been happier...just hate people.... dumb people.

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