Sunday, March 16, 2008

Oh no Dr. Laura

I can't stand Dr. Laura, Dr. Phil or any of those blowhard idiots out making millions giving misguided advice to the masses. I can usually steer clear of these people because I don't listen to them on the radio and I refuse to watch their tv shows. However, last week Dr. Laura was on my favorite morning show...the Today Show. I was half listening because they were talking about the governor who cheated on his wife with the hooker. Not interested in that story at all. But here's when my interest level changed. Dr. Laura was saying that men cheat on their wives because the wife didn't give him what he needed. Wha? The wife wasn't feeding the marriage enough. She wasn't even referring to this particular sad story...she was making a general sweeping statement that men cheat because their wives must not be satisfying them. She's a freak. I am sure that some men DO cheat because of that reason. But to make such a ridiculous all encompassing statement is flabbergasting. I do understand that people like her make these kinds of shocking statements for exactly that...the shock factor. And LOVE for people to talk about her. I am sure of it. So I won't perpetuate her desires anymore by giving even one more word or thought about her. Poof. Be gone crazy lady.

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