Come & relax now~Put your troubles down~No need to bear the weight of your worries~You let them all fade away~
Sunday, December 28, 2008
For the record......
I did get raked in in the eye by the visiting kitty. Can you say bloody and black eye? Sweet. Missed my eyeball by centimeters. Todd was right. Sent kitty to glue my dreams.
Friday, December 26, 2008

Todd spoiled me again this year for Christmas. He hired a painter to paint a picture of a Calla Lily. The name of the painting is "Emily's Lily". Calla Lily was our wedding flower. Todd told me that the artist would email his pictures each day she worked on the piece with updates. How cool is that? Sometimes Todd does things for me that I just shake my head and thank the heavens above that we found each other. Makes me kinda tear up just thinking about it. He also bought me a gorgeous necklace and earring set and a TON of cool fishing lures and bait. What a great array of cool gifts. He rocks.
Franklin's Visit

We are watching Todd's sister's kitty Franklin for a week while they are in Mexico. Sasha (our cat) is not pleased but being tolerant of the 5 month old kitten. Franklin earned a new name his first day here.....Diablo the Devil. We had him set up in our room. Todd was in the bedroom watching tv and Diablo came out from under the bed and attacked Todd hissing and swinging his paws at him. I heard a scuffle upstairs. Todd came downstairs saying, "that little f-er is going in the kennel. I am not letting him rake my eyes or your eyes out." I chuckled a little. He went to the garage and pulled down the large 5 foot by 5 foot cage that Barkley used to live in when Todd was away. We made Franklin a safe place to be....and the animals in our house all got to know each other that way. Every time we got close to Diablo he would hiss. Sweet. But this morning I opened the cage and Franklin decided he wanted to be a productive part of our family. No hissing. Just playing. Bliss. He still goes into the cage when he needs alone time. No hiss... bliss....and making himself right at home. PS....that is Barkley's water that Franklin is drinking out of.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Special Agent Bob

My bro graduated from I.C.E. Training (Imigration Customs Enforcment) on Thursday. He is officially a Special Agent. Wowsa. I saw his badge. He now can carry a firearm on a plane. He just flew back to Denver on Friday. He told me that now when he flies on duty that he checks in a different place and he boards the plane before the other people. He meets with the Captain and the staff. One of the captains that he met with before the flight told him that the door to the cock pit is bullet proof, so if something goes down and Bob chooses to react, that the pilot will not be opening the door to help him. Yikes. Anyway. I am so proud of Bob. Bob and Rebecca are moving to Salt Lake City for Bob's first job. They leave today. I will miss you guys! Love you!
Vegas was a blast. We left on Thanksgiving day and got back a week ago today. We had purchased tickets to Criss Angel's Cirque du Soleil show called BeLIEve. I love Criss Angel's Mind cool. We get in the cab from the airport to the Mirage and the cab drivers asks us if we are planning on seeing any shows during our visit. We tell him that we are going to see the Criss Angel show. Silence. Then he says, "Did you already buy your tickets?" We had. He starts telling us how it's the worst show Vegas has ever had. Gulp. I could picture Todd and I running around ripping up money....since this show (that wasn't cheap) was a total disaster. We get out of the cab and I start reassuring Todd that I am sure the show is good that I bet that cab driver is just a bitter crazy. So. We are checking in at the Mirage and we ask the girl at the front desk about the show. Same response. Sweet. Again insert that picture of us ripping up money for fun. Long story short the gal at the front desk got us a refund on our tickets....and helped us buy tickets to the Cirque du Soleil show "O".... "O" is short for the French word for water L'eau. Can you say 8th row....dead center??? The tickets were so good that when one of the performers swung over our heads a drop of water hit my face. A-MAZ-ING!
Remember that sweet yet musky perfume from the 80's called Poison? Gross right? I admit I did wear Poison for one year in junior high school. I will will own that. OK. There is a lady in my office that freaking BATHES in that perfume. Seriously. It's so bad that I had to be in the same room with her for 2 hours on Friday that I got so sick being within in 10 feet of her that my throat STILL hurts today. I could taste her perfume in my mouth until later on Friday night. Sick. Flipping. Sick.
I had to laugh when this weekend I heard a promo on one of our radio stations for a topic for the morning show.....that people have sued co-workers for wearing too much perfume or not bathing. I cracked up.
That girl is poison.....(Remember that song from Bel Biv Devo?)
I had to laugh when this weekend I heard a promo on one of our radio stations for a topic for the morning show.....that people have sued co-workers for wearing too much perfume or not bathing. I cracked up.
That girl is poison.....(Remember that song from Bel Biv Devo?)
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