We are watching Todd's sister's kitty Franklin for a week while they are in Mexico. Sasha (our cat) is not pleased but being tolerant of the 5 month old kitten. Franklin earned a new name his first day here.....Diablo the Devil. We had him set up in our room. Todd was in the bedroom watching tv and Diablo came out from under the bed and attacked Todd hissing and swinging his paws at him. I heard a scuffle upstairs. Todd came downstairs saying, "that little f-er is going in the kennel. I am not letting him rake my eyes or your eyes out." I chuckled a little. He went to the garage and pulled down the large 5 foot by 5 foot cage that Barkley used to live in when Todd was away. We made Franklin a safe place to be....and the animals in our house all got to know each other that way. Every time we got close to Diablo he would hiss. Sweet. But this morning I opened the cage and Franklin decided he wanted to be a productive part of our family. No hissing. Just playing. Bliss. He still goes into the cage when he needs alone time. No hiss... bliss....and making himself right at home. PS....that is Barkley's water that Franklin is drinking out of.
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