Monday, January 09, 2012


Since I worked in radio for 15 years, I am often entertained how ass-backwards that business is all the time.  I also have to laugh at how incestuous radio is...and always has been.  An OLD radio "darling" is back on the air here.  She used to be a part of a big time morning show back in the 90's.  She got a big head and moved to LA because she was too big for this place.  So she blew this popsicle stand  (and everything in its way)...and headed west.  Well in LA she crashed and burned in an ugly way.  Worked at a couple small markets here and there where she crashed and burned there too.  I am not usually this mean about people who crash and burn (we all fail)...but this girl is someone I knew...and there's history there.

I actually hung out with her socially during the hey-days at her former show in the 90s.  Not because we were great friends per se but she was good friends with another girl. I liked her...she was fun to be around....don't get me wrong.  But this radio "diva" would write down the things that we did out partying then use our names on the air but change all the details to be more juicy. Oh joy. Explaining that to my mom was fun.  And,  I always felt like the star of an After School Special when we were out.  "No, I don't DO DRUGS."  Over and over again.  Ha.  Anyway. She’s a hot mess. And working in the same building with her again (a few years back when I was still in radio) she was the same as always, about one step away from imploding. Anyway. She's back on the air here...and I smell burning.  I think her act worked when she was younger….but not now. When she started on the show she was fresh faced and everyone loved watching/listening to her adventures. In fact, I remember being in a meeting back in the day and they described the show with with her former co-hosts as The Dick, The Dork and The Darling. Now, she’s no darling… just coo coo for cocoa puffs. Maybe the only entertaining part of the show will be listening to her cat fight with her current co-hosts, and that is only entertaining for about 10 minutes…and then yawn. I guess time will tell. 

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