Monday, January 23, 2012


Last Saturday, I attended Glenn's funeral.  (See earlier post).  It was awful.  Beside the fact that such a young man died, (I found out he did commit suicide by jumping to his death).  The worst of the worst was watching his 4 year old daughter deal with the death of her father.  She made funny faces every time people looked at her.  She was just trying in the only way she knew to deal with the making faces.  Adults can't process such a can a 4 year old deal?  When her family would cry she would jump off the pew and run a picture she had colored over to them.  She was trying to help the adults through their she was in pain too.  She put a picture of a soccer ball on her dad's coffin.  I bawled.  I kept thinking why was the 4 year old at the funeral?  I think she's too young to go through that.  Too young. 

Glenn's girlfriend made a big scene at the start of the funeral.  His ex wife and daughter were sitting in the front row on the right side of the church.  The first 3 rows on the left side of the church were completely open.  The girlfriend had the funeral director go up to the ex wife and ask her to move to the other rows because the gf wanted to sit in those particular front row seats.  It was embarrassing.  The funeral director said, "his family would like these seats, please move over."  The ex wife said, "we ARE his family.  I'm his ex wife and this is his daughter."  They moved and my heart broke. 

I only hope they all find peace.

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