Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The biggest NON-celebrities around

The biggest NON-celebrities around are the car dealership owners. People know who they are because they have plastered their cheesy faces all over the TV...and now are local "celebrities". I know I have done it...slobbered all over some freaking car dealership he was someone "special". I was sitting at a Rockies game and looked over in the suite next to us and saw Dealin' Doug. We all whispered and pointed at his fake-tan-gold-chain-wearing-ass. How funny is that? He owns a car dealership....that's IT! I am sure I have sat next to Billionaire CEOs before and didn't even know it...but whoooooa... we all got all giggley over freaking Dealin' Doug who wears an ill-fitting Superman costume and soars over the city slashing prices on TV. Ha.

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