Wednesday, February 08, 2006

We always need pizza delivery people

When I was in school once in a while I got a bad grade or two. My theory (not a good theory...but mine none the less) was "C's Get Degrees". My dad's response to me and my bad grades without fail was, "That's ok Emily, don't pay attention in school, get bad grades, the world will always need pizza delivery people." That used to infuriate me....totally his goal.
One of the many parts (less glamorous parts) of my job is ordering pizza for our street team to deliver to offices as a "thank you for listening" gift. I often joke that I could tell you the exact address and phone number to a pizza place with in 10 miles of any location in the metro area....sadly.... I probably could...but I digress. I am often reminded of what my dad would say to me and my bad grades when ordering the pizzas for work. This gal that I just placed an order with just said, "Do you need par-meee-ea-seee-an cheese with that?" Maybe this isn't gonna translate...but she was sounding out the word on the computer screen. I replied, "Uh parmesan cheese, yes please."

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