Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Pop - Pop - Fissssssss

Last night I was laying in bed sleeping.... soundly... when at 2:04 am... right outside of my window I hear a loud...POP POP FISSSSSSSSSSSSSS. I jump up thinking - oh God - that was gun shots. It was loud! I sit there for a second afraid to look outside.... however, a few seconds later I peek through my blinds to see a Yellow Cab pointing the wrong direction on the one-way street, smoking, dust everywhere, glass everywhere, and a trail of totaled cars lined down the street....all of the cars were still rocking from the impact. The Yellow Cab had hit about 5 cars parked on the street in a row... then really hit the 6th car hard POP...which made the cab spin around backwards...and the rear bumper really hit the 8th car hard POP....then fissssssss.... steam off of the hot engine with the leaking fluids. Within seconds a cop was there...then 4 cops. Lights everywhere. My room was one big blinking red and blue light. Then...people start coming out of their houses... there was some shouting. Then an Ambulance arrived. Then a huge flat bed tow truck arrived. THEN... Emily didn't get back to sleep until 3:45 am. I hope the driver was ok. Looked to me like he/she fell asleep at the wheel. Scary. At least it wasn't gun shots.

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