Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Historic Day

I knew I wanted to post on this historic day....to try to capture the moment. Not really an easy task on a simple blog. I think the best way for me to express the sights and sounds of the inauguration of such a great man is by posting my friend's status updates on Facebook. I will use initials to protect the innocent :)

DM is thankful.

HT is giving the Mile High Salute to the 44th Commander in Chief.

EP is positive the day couldn't be any better. 70 degrees and Obama is President. Life is good.

RK feels a sense of calm and happiness today. Hope has been brought back.

LL is happy that she could watch Barack Obama at school today. What an historic event.

MB is thankful for the new President and hopeful for the future of our country.

JF is quoting Barack "On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord."

IM says goodbye to evil, incomptetence, ignorance, racism, greed, corruption and stupidity and happily says hello to hope and change.

MS is ready

MG says brothers and sisters this is a great day. Hope over fear will win everytime. God bless Amercia.

TV is so happy to say I'm SO proud to be an American.

CA is listening to the new Prez.

LM is ready (2nd time for that one)

BT is very excited.

DF has Obama fever.

KP says "Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."- Barack Obama.

SB is starting to get choked up already! :).

SW inagurates.

KL is excited for my niece, Kyla,(18) who is in D.C right now, what a great memory for her!

CR is excited about today's events!

EP is breathless with excitement.

MG is happy! We are finally getting a leader!!!!!

HR is proud to see this day.

SM can't wait to watch the inauguration - so excited and so proud!

DP is talking to NBC White House Correspondent Tom Costello, he's on the steps of the White House!! Amazing day!

LM is wondering what famous inspirational words will come from Barack Obama's speech today!

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