Thursday, March 31, 2011


I love Craigslist.  Love it.  We buy and sell stuff on it all the time.  I think it's silly to pay retail for some things.  I just posted a rocking chair and Ava's musical jumper for sale.  We're not using it, time to get some money for it.  Anyway.  We are going to sell our Teak desk too.  Before we had Ava, our 2nd bedroom was an office/guest room.  Cut to today... Ava's room has all of her stuff...and also has this gi-norm-ous teak desk with our computer and printer.  She needs more room, we are going to buy a laptop.  Time to sell the desk.  I get online and start searching to get a price range for this teak desk.  It is really a gorgeous piece of furniture, but we don't have room for it...and I want a laptop.  I discover that this desk that WE bought on Craigslist for $150 is worth....a....lot....more.  I found it being sold for anywhere from $699 to $ shipping.  Holy moly.  If you have Mobler Mid-Century Modern Teak Desk.  Think we need to ask for more than $150 huh? 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I got a job.  Yes-sir-ree.  Doing marketing and fundraising at a local French school.  It's an event planning, marketing, social media, website, sales and sponsorship position.  Perfect.  Its 3 days a week (Tues, Weds and Thurs) and I am thrilled.  I will be taking French classes to become fluent again.  Kinda excited to practice my French again.  Kinda excited to wear something other than yoga pants everyday.  Kinda excited.


Today is Ava's 1st birthday.  I danced all around the house this morning singing, "Hey Shorty, it's your birfday, we're gonna party like it's your birfday!"  Ava laughed at first, but then I could see my antics were wearing thin on her and she started to furrow her brow at me every time.  Ha.  That reaction actually fueled my fire so I sung louder and longer.  If we can't embarrass our kids what good are we?  Ahhhh Ava.  I remember this day last year....I am so thankful for my sassy, sweet, beautiful, smart and amazing daughter.

OK...the tale of 2 mornings...

I just got back from dropping Ava off for her "trial run" day at daycare.  She will be there through lunch and naptime and I will go pick her up at 2 pm.  I feel awful doing it on her birthday...but sometimes.... timing just sucks.  I start my new job next week (I will post on that later) :)  Anyway. I cried as I was packing up her stuff.  I was a hot mess.  Sobbing like a 1st grader with a skinned knee.  Blech.  OK.  I got it together before Ava got up for the day (she loves her sleep).  I got her all ready and loaded up in the car.  I drove to the daycare and I could feel my hands shaking.  Sigh. I took her into Miss Olga's room.  Got her set up.  Kissed her goodbye....and slipped out the door.  I turned to run back in and grab her....and another mom saw/caught me.  I smiled, turned and rushed past her.  She said, "You know, it does get easier."  I BURST into tears.  I started telling her in a squeaky rambling voice that only dogs and dolphins could understand that today was my first drop off and today is her birthday and I start a new job next week and I feel awful doing her test run on her birthday and I can't believe I am crying I can't believe I am crying I can't believe I am crying.  Good freaking Lord.  I hurried past her and hopped in my car and cried and cried...that ugly cry where your face gets all red and distorted.  Yup.  That's me. I drove to the Starbucks down the street and then sat in my car.  I'm sure I looked like a psycho.  I started to drive home and turned around and drove past her daycare again...and again.  And then I could hear myself say outloud, "Emily, get your shit together, sheesh!"  And I drove home.  I pick her up in 3 hours and 50 minutes.  I bet they have an office pool at the daycare as to how many times I will call....and how long it will take for me to call the first time.  Pretty sure. 

Thursday, March 24, 2011


I met some amazing people during my time at March of Dimes. I think the woman that affected me the most was Kim.  Kim gave birth to twins prematurely and lost both girls after days and weeks of struggle and fighting for their lives.  Their names where Addison and Makenze.  I remember the first time she came to a volunteer meeting at MOD after losing the girls.  She sat at the table and cried the entire time.....almost like it was the first time she had let loose.  She bawled in fact.  Right there in the meeting.  There were many hugs offered up....and she refused... she just wanted to be left alone and listen....and deal with her loss.  She wanted to help others to help heal her own heart.  She needed to cry.  She wanted to help raise money for research so another mother would never have to endure the loss she had lived.  No one cries alone in my I had to conduct the meeting with tears streaming down my cheeks the entire time.  Sigh. 

Kim and I got close quick.  She is my age and very cool...very hip...I love her.  I remember seeing her stand at our In Memoriam Of Wall at our big annual event...and I watched her as she quietly wrote the names of her daughters on pieces of paper and placed them gingerly on the wall.  She bawled.  I bawled from afar.  I waited for her to finish and hugged her as long as she would let me....I would have hugged forever.  Kim and her sweet hubs now have 2 daughters....gorgeous girls.  People who have never had a hard time getting or staying pregnant....or have never experienced the loss of a pregnancy...or worse yet...the death of a baby....really can't understand.  They try...but they can't. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


That Jif commercial where the boy makes his own lunch and then a lunch for his mom makes me crazy.  The mom says, "You made your own lunch!"  Then the boy says, "I made something for you too Mom.  The bus is here....I gotta go!"  OK.  What was the boy going to HAVE for lunch if he DIDN'T make his own....MOM?  The bus was there and he needed to leave.  The mom didn't get it done.  Sorry.  The ad agency for that commercial should be fired.  Every time I see it I shake my head.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Yesterday Ava and I went for a great walk.  It was sunny and 70 degrees.  Perfect.  We got about 3 miles down the trail....and ran into another parent out with his kids.  He said, "it's it gorgeous out.  I thought it was supposed to crazy windy today."  I agreed and we went on our way.  Just then.... it was like God said, "really?  I will show you wind! POOOOWWWW!"  Awful hurricane force winds kicked up.  Holy crap.  I had to walk/run uphill for 3 miles pushing a 20 lb kid in a stroller that is NOT wind resistant in head on wicked wind.  Ava was protected with the cover on her stroller...which by the way made the stroller even LESS wind resistant....but she was still not happy.  It took me 30 minutes to get home.  I was dripping with sweat and so tired.  Today my legs are not sore...just so tired.  What a workout.  Blah!  I hate wind.  So much for a nice walk....blech...wind.  Pffffff. 

Monday, March 21, 2011


Oh my sweet Ava.  She is a few days away from being one!  She makes me want to be a better person.  She makes me smile and my heart soar when I am blue.  She has a heart of gold.  I love her so much.  She's cruising around the furniture and will walk any day.  She just cut 2 teeth.  And her favorite word is "daddy" (mine too).  She has 3 words "Daddy", "Mama" and "Doggie".  At this moment she just woke up from her nap and I can hear her calling me...."Mmmmmmmmmmama!"  "Mmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmma!"  Time to go kiss my girl.  xxxx


I'm researching daycare options again.  I am getting close on a job I really want.  Now they have to show me the money.  I'm worth it.  Anyway.  Daycare is highway robbery.  Now get this - 2 days a week (my parents are doing one day a week of our daycare) is $190.  Ok.  That's $95 a day.  Really?  Full time day care is $265.  Now I may not be a math genius, but I do own a calculator.  That's $53 a day.  So full time is only $75 bucks more?  Now that is a bunch of malarky.  Don't they understand that part time people make much less?  MUCH less.  I could hire an in home nanny for that price....which we may do.  I have more research to do...but I am in the wrong business. 

Monday, March 14, 2011


It's supposed to be 68 degrees today.  Ava and I are gonna go for a walk in the sun.  Yay! 

We had such a busy weekend.  I went to Erin's baby shower.  She is having twin girls.  It was such a fun shower.  In the past...I have generally not enjoyed baby showers.  I have always tried to figure out why....maybe it's the silly shower games, the squealing women when every present is opened...or maybe because I soooo wanted to have a baby. I still don't know for sure.  I DO know that I had a great-fab-wonderful time at Erin's shower.  Yes, I have a baby now, maybe that is it.  But truly I think it was because it was hosted at a cool French restaurant.  The company was very nice.  And...I am so freaking happy for Erin. happy.  Besides MY shower...I have loved this shower the most of all.  Good times.

After the shower, I hurried home scooped up my family and darted down to Littleton for my Grandpa Cheever's 89th birthday party.  Wow....89....I hope to be so lucky to live so long.  I love him so.

Sunday the fun continued with a brunch with the ex-radio-geeks.  Paul, Sharon, Katie, Christine, Sadie, Julie, Adam, Olivia, Max, Fizz, Sarah, Delilah, Todd, Ava...and me.  Of that group of ex-radio-geeks...only Adam still works in radio.  It was such fun and we laughed a lot.  It was fun to watch our kids all play together.  At one point I sat back and enjoyed the fact that we all have been friends for so long.  We have all seen so many different phases of our lives together.  Good friends. 

I feel blessed.


IF I HAD MY LIFE TO LIVE OVER - by Erma Bombeck 
(written after she found out she was dying of cancer). 
I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.

I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.

I would have talked less and listened more.

I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained, or the sofa faded.

I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.

I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.

I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day be cause my hair had just been done.

I would have sat on the lawn and not worried about grass stains. 
I would have cried and laughed less while watching television and more while watching life.

I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil, or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.

Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.

When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, 'Later. Now go get washed up for dinner.'

There would have been more I love you's.  More I'm sorry's. 

But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute, look at it, and really see it. Live it and never give it back. STOP SWEATING THE SMALL STUFF!!! 

Thursday, March 03, 2011


My sister let me borrow her laptop so that I can job search when Ava is sleeping.  I set up the wifi connection in our house and I am offffff!  I am so excited.  I spend 2 hours today searching and applying for jobs.  I have a 2nd interview tomorrow.  Fingers crossed.  I haven't been on a computer this long with Ava here...well...never.  It has been a good day.  I have gotten caught up on so much stuff.  I even found a mom's group by me and RSVP'ed for a play date for next week.  Ava really needs more social interaction with other kids.  I mean...I am one hellva playmate for her...but I always share and never push her around.  She needs to learn to play with other kids.  I am excited for the new things in our lives. I have internet access....I will be able to blog when I want.  I often think...I want to blog about this that or the other...and then forget.  Life is good.