Today is Ava's 1st birthday. I danced all around the house this morning singing, "Hey Shorty, it's your birfday, we're gonna party like it's your birfday!" Ava laughed at first, but then I could see my antics were wearing thin on her and she started to furrow her brow at me every time. Ha. That reaction actually fueled my fire so I sung louder and longer. If we can't embarrass our kids what good are we? Ahhhh Ava. I remember this day last year....I am so thankful for my sassy, sweet, beautiful, smart and amazing daughter.
OK...the tale of 2 mornings...
I just got back from dropping Ava off for her "trial run" day at daycare. She will be there through lunch and naptime and I will go pick her up at 2 pm. I feel awful doing it on her birthday...but sometimes.... timing just sucks. I start my new job next week (I will post on that later) :) Anyway. I cried as I was packing up her stuff. I was a hot mess. Sobbing like a 1st grader with a skinned knee. Blech. OK. I got it together before Ava got up for the day (she loves her sleep). I got her all ready and loaded up in the car. I drove to the daycare and I could feel my hands shaking. Sigh. I took her into Miss Olga's room. Got her set up. Kissed her goodbye....and slipped out the door. I turned to run back in and grab her....and another mom saw/caught me. I smiled, turned and rushed past her. She said, "You know, it does get easier." I BURST into tears. I started telling her in a squeaky rambling voice that only dogs and dolphins could understand that today was my first drop off and today is her birthday and I start a new job next week and I feel awful doing her test run on her birthday and I can't believe I am crying I can't believe I am crying I can't believe I am crying. Good freaking Lord. I hurried past her and hopped in my car and cried and cried...that ugly cry where your face gets all red and distorted. Yup. That's me. I drove to the Starbucks down the street and then sat in my car. I'm sure I looked like a psycho. I started to drive home and turned around and drove past her daycare again...and again. And then I could hear myself say outloud, "Emily, get your shit together, sheesh!" And I drove home. I pick her up in 3 hours and 50 minutes. I bet they have an office pool at the daycare as to how many times I will call....and how long it will take for me to call the first time. Pretty sure.
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