Thursday, March 03, 2011


My sister let me borrow her laptop so that I can job search when Ava is sleeping.  I set up the wifi connection in our house and I am offffff!  I am so excited.  I spend 2 hours today searching and applying for jobs.  I have a 2nd interview tomorrow.  Fingers crossed.  I haven't been on a computer this long with Ava here...well...never.  It has been a good day.  I have gotten caught up on so much stuff.  I even found a mom's group by me and RSVP'ed for a play date for next week.  Ava really needs more social interaction with other kids.  I mean...I am one hellva playmate for her...but I always share and never push her around.  She needs to learn to play with other kids.  I am excited for the new things in our lives. I have internet access....I will be able to blog when I want.  I often think...I want to blog about this that or the other...and then forget.  Life is good.

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