Wednesday, September 14, 2011


My reunion was an absolute blast.  Lots of late nights (hi, up until 4 am), laughs, tears and liquor.  Good times.  I was so happy to be sitting and chatting with my girls that I had a perma-grin for 3 days straight.  My anxiety about having to re-tell my Coach horror stories was not needed.  I wasn't asked but a few times and I was cool about telling a story here and there.  What a great weekend.

I flew home on the 10th anniversary of 9-11.  My parents were kinda freaking...and probably because my dad worked for Joint Terrorism Task Force-Homeland Security for so long.  The airport had this silent-air about it.  No one was saying it but everyone was thinking it.  It was eery in a way.  Most people whispered.  And security was extra extra extra extra tight.  I was ok with the tight security.  Pretty sure that was the safest day ever to fly.

I was so excited to see Ava and Todd.  When I hopped in the car at the airport and tried to kiss Ava she was shocked to see me...then turned her head away when I asked for a kiss.  She was pissed at me. No smile...just a sad furrowed brow. She's only 1 1/2 years old. All that night she only wanted Todd.  She would freak if I left the room...but wouldn't let me hold her or kiss her.  Silly girl.  Broke my heart.  The next morning I heard her calling my name....mama....mama....mama.  I went in her room and she started jumping up and down so happy to see me and so full of kisses.  That's my girl.  We had a great say playing & cuddling.  Back. To. Normal.  Phew.

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