Thursday, September 15, 2011


I was just sending a fax at work and my young early-20-something (hot) French intern was laughing at the noise this old fax machine makes.  It makes that same ol dial-up connection noise. Waaaaa-Waa-Waaaaaaa-Waaa.  Anyway.  I asked him if he remembers hearing that noise when logging onto a computer years ago.  He said yes, but when he was a kid.  Right.  I started telling him how much change I have seen in my 16 year career.  My first job at KOSI in 1994 I had a phone and a typewriter on my desk.  There were 2 computers in the building but they were for Sales Assistants only.  By the way....I had to explain what a typewriter is/was to him. I told him that I had to beg and plead with my General Manager at KOSI to get a website for the radio station.  He said to me...and I quote, "Oh Emily, I don't believe that www(dot) thing is going to catch on."  Oh my.  How things have changed. 

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