Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Ahhh...Labor Day Weekend

My labor day weekend was glorious. Went to Taste of Colorado, Six Flags, played in a celebrity softball game (I was on the average joe team...not celebrity...oh and we won...beat the professional athletes...sweeeeeet), went to a family bbq, napped, relaxed and watched movies.... wonderful. Going to Taste of Colorado and Six Flags was interesting...spending time with Denver's finest (not). Todd and I spent the entire weekend together. I am not used to having so much stuff to do on a weekend...with SOMEONE. It's been an adjustment only because I have been neglecting some things. Grocery shopping. Secret Single Behavior. Spending time with my brother. Laundry. Making candles. Stuff I either LOVE or NEED to do. I will get more balance soon....but for now...soaking up the time with Todd. He told me that he will be donating a kidney to his mom sometime in the next year. That scared the bee-geez-ys out of me. Everything will be just fine.....I know it will. I told him that I respect and love him for his decision...and the gift that he is gonna give....and I will take care of him while he is recovering. But still...you only get 2...and if you give one...anyway. Deep breaths. Todd is going on my annual family fishing vacation to Steamboat. My parents made it very clear that we can't share a room/bed...but I understand. Should be interesting.

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