Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Early in my career I worked with the biggest douche bag. He was the radio station's Program Director. He used to walk past the fax machine to hand ME a fax to send out for him. He would sit in his office and shout for me, "Emster? Gotta sec?" In this totally annoying whinny voice. He used to shop out of this magazine called International Male...that Becca and I would crack up everytime he mentioned it...because it was a catalog for gay least we thought so. I think it was the silver glittery button-up vests that gave that away. Anyway. He was a dick. Treated everyone like crap and annoyed me to my core. He got fired for some shady things and hasn't landed another job in radio. Karma. What goes around comes around.
About a year ago, I got a call from him. He was selling ads in Qwest Dex. Karma. I was polite and declined. Then he had the gall to say to me, "Well, Emily, you must not want your station to WIN if you don't want to advertise it the way it should be." I chuckled at him and thanked him for the call. Buh-bye.
Cut to last Friday. He called me again....left 2 messages that day. He dropped my old boss' name and told me he started a new business and wanted to talk to me. Tuesday, 2 more phone calls & messages. Gotta love caller ID at work. Yesterday, 3 more phone calls, 2 messages. I was in the office at 7 am today so I figured I would call then, leave a message, give him my email address for him to send information on his new company. He CALLS AGAIN. Call - Screened. I had to completely crack up when a few minutes ago the Promotions Director for my sister station stopped by my office and asked if I had been getting hounded by ST (initials only... to protect the innocent...ha!) Apparently he had been calling Zak too. Zak told me he was enjoying treating ST like he used to treat him. You see...back in the day... Zak was a Record Rep...and ST would treat him like crap and was totally unprofessional. Karma. Revenge is best served cold.

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