Come & relax now~Put your troubles down~No need to bear the weight of your worries~You let them all fade away~
Thursday, November 30, 2006
I don't wanna hear it
My office is small.....a world of cubicles and small offices. I have to admit...I am shocked at the conversations my co-workers have sitting 2 feet from 25 people. I just heard one gal talking to her doctor about a rash and the details made me gag sitting at my desk. I will spare you. But the word "discharge" was thrown around a couple times. Ewh. Ewh. Ewh. I don't wanna hear it.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Did you know that Nyquil...along with many other products took the decongestant out of their products? Yup. Thanks to those meth-head LOSERS who use these products to poison themselves. The medicine in decongestant can be used to make many products are taking it out. I found out after it was too late. So...I took some Nyquil and my head was still full of gook....there was no relief from sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, STUFFY HEAD, fever, so you can rest medicine. Ek. The new bottle reads; The nighttime, sniffeling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, sleep better to feel better medicine.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Christmas Survey
My friends love to send those "get to know your friends" surveys. I usually don't participate. Yawn! But this one I did.
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot Chocolate always. Egg Nog on New Years Day 2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Santa wraps the presents and puts 'em under the tree. 3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? White lights 4. Do you hang mistletoe? No, but my mom hangs it and no one in the family walks anywhere NEAR the stuff.
5. When do you put your decorations up? First weekend in Dec...typically.
6. Favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? Green bean casserole 7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child: This isn't a favorite...but a story that my mom brings up every year. The blizzard of '82 was freaky for my family. We had gone over to my grandparent's house for Christmas eve....and then realized it wasn't safe to drive the whole family back to our house...I was 10...but my brother was 7 and my sister was 1...and since we couldn't get home...they were FREAKING OUT that Santa wouldn't be able to find us. LOL. So after we went to bed with tear streaked dad and grandpa got in the car and drove for HOURS in the shit (before cell phones) to get our was a 2 mile drive...and they had to dig themselves out several times. My grandma and mom were FREAKED. Damn kids. I would have told them to shut the hell up and deal with the fact that Santa wasn't coming to our house. LOL.
Actually, favorite memory was every Christmas my Grandpa A. was alive for....especially when we were kids. He LOVED Christmas. In general, he was kinda salty and crabby...but during Christmas...he wore this shit-eating grin from ear to ear. Ahhh.
OH and another great one. The year that the movie soundtrack for Purple Rain came brother and I both got a boom-box and a cassette of that sound track. I put mine on in the kitchen while we were eating Christmas breakfast....and about 6 songs in.... "Darling Nicki" came on...."I met her in a hotel lobby masturbating with a magazine..." My dad crapped his pants...and my parents fought the rest of the day. LOL.
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? I snuck out and saw my dad putting together a bike for my brother. I confronted him later...and he told me to keep my mouth shut and not ruin it for my brother and sister.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? We go to my Grandma A's house on Christmas we open presents from that side of the family. We spend Christmas morning at my parent's house...and open immediate family presents then. Christmas afternoon/evening we go to Grandma and Grandpa C's and we open presents from that side of the family. 10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? I have a TON of Christmas ornaments. My family is big on giving ornaments. I put a ton of lights all over....then carefully unwrap each ornament...look at the date and who I got it from...and gingerly hang it on the tree.
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? Love it. Let it snow! 12. Can you ice skate? Yes. I used to skate and compete. I stopped skating when I was 12. My pro (coach) wanted me to quit school, get a tutor, and skate full-time. I didn't want to do that. I wasn't THAT good. 13. Favorite gift? I can't come up with ONE favorite. Is that sad? 14. What’s the most important thing about the Holidays for you? The whole sha-bang. Being with friends and family. The food. The parties. The holiday lights everywhere. The presents. 15. Favorite Holiday Dessert? Pumpkin pie 16. Favorite holiday tradition? Christmas morning at my parent's house. Watching their dogs open their presents...its so funny.
17. What tops your tree? An angel. 18. Prefer to give or receiving? Are we still talking about Christmas here? 19. Favorite Christmas Song? Little Drummer Boy 20. Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum? Yum yum!
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot Chocolate always. Egg Nog on New Years Day 2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Santa wraps the presents and puts 'em under the tree. 3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? White lights 4. Do you hang mistletoe? No, but my mom hangs it and no one in the family walks anywhere NEAR the stuff.
5. When do you put your decorations up? First weekend in Dec...typically.
6. Favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? Green bean casserole 7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child: This isn't a favorite...but a story that my mom brings up every year. The blizzard of '82 was freaky for my family. We had gone over to my grandparent's house for Christmas eve....and then realized it wasn't safe to drive the whole family back to our house...I was 10...but my brother was 7 and my sister was 1...and since we couldn't get home...they were FREAKING OUT that Santa wouldn't be able to find us. LOL. So after we went to bed with tear streaked dad and grandpa got in the car and drove for HOURS in the shit (before cell phones) to get our was a 2 mile drive...and they had to dig themselves out several times. My grandma and mom were FREAKED. Damn kids. I would have told them to shut the hell up and deal with the fact that Santa wasn't coming to our house. LOL.
Actually, favorite memory was every Christmas my Grandpa A. was alive for....especially when we were kids. He LOVED Christmas. In general, he was kinda salty and crabby...but during Christmas...he wore this shit-eating grin from ear to ear. Ahhh.
OH and another great one. The year that the movie soundtrack for Purple Rain came brother and I both got a boom-box and a cassette of that sound track. I put mine on in the kitchen while we were eating Christmas breakfast....and about 6 songs in.... "Darling Nicki" came on...."I met her in a hotel lobby masturbating with a magazine..." My dad crapped his pants...and my parents fought the rest of the day. LOL.
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? I snuck out and saw my dad putting together a bike for my brother. I confronted him later...and he told me to keep my mouth shut and not ruin it for my brother and sister.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? We go to my Grandma A's house on Christmas we open presents from that side of the family. We spend Christmas morning at my parent's house...and open immediate family presents then. Christmas afternoon/evening we go to Grandma and Grandpa C's and we open presents from that side of the family. 10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? I have a TON of Christmas ornaments. My family is big on giving ornaments. I put a ton of lights all over....then carefully unwrap each ornament...look at the date and who I got it from...and gingerly hang it on the tree.
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? Love it. Let it snow! 12. Can you ice skate? Yes. I used to skate and compete. I stopped skating when I was 12. My pro (coach) wanted me to quit school, get a tutor, and skate full-time. I didn't want to do that. I wasn't THAT good. 13. Favorite gift? I can't come up with ONE favorite. Is that sad? 14. What’s the most important thing about the Holidays for you? The whole sha-bang. Being with friends and family. The food. The parties. The holiday lights everywhere. The presents. 15. Favorite Holiday Dessert? Pumpkin pie 16. Favorite holiday tradition? Christmas morning at my parent's house. Watching their dogs open their presents...its so funny.
17. What tops your tree? An angel. 18. Prefer to give or receiving? Are we still talking about Christmas here? 19. Favorite Christmas Song? Little Drummer Boy 20. Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum? Yum yum!
Not doing yourself any favors Cosmo
So Jerry Seinfeld was the scheduled guest on Letterman last night...he was there to pimp the new Seinfeld DVD release....bad timing for him with Kramer's tirade on Friday. Anyway. Michael Richards/Kramer appeared via satellite on the show too. He didn't do himself any favors with this appearance designed to apologize to everyone for his bad behavior. He kept calling African Americans "AFRO-Americans"! Wha? Then when he started getting upset and shook up...he resorted to calling them "Blacks". Oh my. It was all very uncomfortable. The live studio audience started to nervously laugh (it is a comedy show for Pete's sake)...and then Jerry said, "Please don't laugh, this isn't funny." Whoa.
Monday, November 20, 2006
I had a wonderful weekend with my beau. On Friday we went to see the new James Bond movie "Casino Royale". I freaking LOVED it. It was so well done. This new James Bond is dark folks...he is deep...sensitive....oh and let's not forget....white freaking hot. The movie was more brawn than other Bond movies. He used his strength...not gadgets and tricks to get the bad guy or gal. I loved it. Go see it. I heard that this Bond character is more like how he is written in the books. Saturday, we took his dog to the vet, took a nap, then he came to my house for dinner. My bro came over too. It was fun. Sunday, we went bowling. We played 4 games. I actually won the last game. Sweet. wasn't until I was sitting on the bike for my Group Cycling class that I realized that my right bicep and my left ass-check are SORE. I guess the lunge-motion that happens in bowling...made me sore....SAD! Then we watched a tough Broncos game. Another great weekend! Ain't life grand? Shout out to Susie...I am proud of you and so happy for you. You have a plan.
What are people thinking?
I am telling you what. About 10 times a day...I shake my head and think "what are people thinking?" This one....did more than make me shake my made my stomach hurt. The whole OJ book and Fox TV "special" is disgusting. "IF I DID IT". SICK. I am disturbed by this. I just read that both the book and Fox TV thing has been cancelled. Good. The thing that I just KNOW will happen....bootlegged versions of this CRAP will be all over the internet...and it will still get seen and read. My stomach hurts even more.
Oh you didn't.

Michael Richards....our lovable Cosmo Kramer from Seinfeld...was doing stand-up at a popular comedy club in LA last Friday...and put it lightly.... FREAKED OUT. (Note this video is racial and you may want to skip it.) He was getting heckled by 2 gentlemen and he lost it. He hurled racial slurs and lost his mind shouting the "n" word. Jerry Seinfeld gave a statement that he is just "sick over this." I bet. A new DVD release of Seinfeld episodes is loaded and ready to drop to the public in time for Christmas. Ouch. Now, the cynical side of me thinks it's a publicity stunt. Get Seinfeld in the media...any pub is good pub (publicity ) as long as they spell your name right....correct?'s not. Oh you didn't.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Work has been nuts. I am rebuilding everything from the ground up, evolution, growth, change...and it exhausting me....and it's exhilarating. All of this change is messing up my sleep patterns. I either fall into bed at 9:30 pm (very early for me) or pace around the house trying to turn my brain off until super late at night. Last night at 10:57 pm I resorted to taking a 1/2 shot of Nyquil and moving into Todd's spare room to sleep since I was keeping him up flipping from left to right...accompanied with a deep sigh (that I didn't know I was doing until later). Poor Todd. He told me I didn't need to go in the other room...but I did anyway. I crawled back to his room at 5:18 am in a Nyquil induced dope....and drug my ass out of bed at 6:45 am. I think I only got about 4 hours of sleep. All of my friends who have kids just let out a maniacal laugh at my bitching for only getting 4 hours of sleep.... 4 hours is a full night's sleep for any parent. I am sooo looking forward to next week.... I love Thanksgiving. A holiday that you get at least 4 days off in a row....sleep in....take naps...ahhhh. I don't have to buy anyone presents. I get to see my family. And...I get to eat like it's my full-time job and the menu is full of meals with gravy, sauces, bread, cheese, ham and turkey. Bliss.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
My voting experience
I left my office twice 2 different try to vote. I was armed with my vote registration card, ID and my voter cheat sheet to make my time in the voting booth limited. The first place I visited was The Webb building...uhm.... 2 1/2 hour wait at 10 am. Back to work. Then to Tattered Cover at 2 pm.... 2 hour wait. Back to work. I left work at 4 pm to hit a voting center in the hood at 28th and Glenarm at the rec center. The line was out the building. I was getting reports that it would take almost an hour. OK. Fine. I had waited 40 minutes when the line turned the corner and I could see inside the rec center....holy shit...about 200 people ahead of me and apparently the check-in computers had locked up for the 2nd time today. Sweet. I was already too far down the line to move to a new location. My choices were...suck it up and wait or go home. Of course I wasn't wearing sensible shoes. Ha. After exactly a 2-hour wait I voted. The thing that I found interesting was that when the Election Officials announced the computers were locked up and they didn't have an ETA on when they would be back up...people DIDN'T fact...there wasn't even any audible bitching. I guess people really value their right to vote.
Good lord. I am so ready for this election to be over. Sick and tired of the ads. The recorded election phone calls. Everything. Todd and I sat down and read over the big blue book on all of the issues tonight....holy moley there is a lot of stuff on the ballot tomorrow. At least I have my cheat sheet. One comment on the TV ads: I am so sick of seeing candidates wearing cowboy hats and/or fly fishing to show how "Colorado" they are. I don't know ONE person who wears a cowboy hat (that lives in Colorado). Just because you wear a cowboy hat...that doesn't say "Colorado" to me. I just don't get it. This is not a hick town...ok...not anymore at least. There are parts of Colorado that still have farms, cowboys and people who wear cowboy hats...but I don't believe that look encompasses the people of Colorado. ....maybe I am just tired and's after midnight...and I am wide awake.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
I was just in the kitchen at work. Two guys were talking about lunch. One said, "I am craving Lobster Brisk." (Incorrectly pronounced brisk (bris) instead of Lobster Bisque.) And the other guy said, "ah, you're craving seafood circumcision?" I am so laughing my ass off.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Flat Tire
I got a flat tire today at 19th and Quebec at 7:30 am. Sweet. I have had 2 flat tires in 2 months. Sucks. Same tire both times. Both times after leaving Todd's house in the morning. The first time Todd helped me. He gave me the keys to his 2nd car to drive to work. After work, he changed my tire and got it fixed - I didn't even get my hands dirty. It was so sweet. I am not used to having someone DO things for me. It was great. Today, I called Todd and told him my tire was flat. He came and picked me up and drove me to my house, waited for me to get ready for work and drove me to work. What a doll. We left my car on the side of the road. I called my dad (who is retired) to see if he would have time today to help me change my tire. The last thing in the world I wanted to do is wait until tonight after work in the cold and dark and try to change a tire. Anyway. My dad picked me up and we went back to 19th and Quebec. He helped me...but he was teaching me how to do it the whole time. Making ME do it. I got my hands dirty. I got my jeans dirty. But I learned how to change a tire. I had to smile. My dad is a teacher at heart....I love that.
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