Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Work has been nuts. I am rebuilding everything from the ground up, evolution, growth, change...and it exhausting me....and it's exhilarating. All of this change is messing up my sleep patterns. I either fall into bed at 9:30 pm (very early for me) or pace around the house trying to turn my brain off until super late at night. Last night at 10:57 pm I resorted to taking a 1/2 shot of Nyquil and moving into Todd's spare room to sleep since I was keeping him up flipping from left to right...accompanied with a deep sigh (that I didn't know I was doing until later). Poor Todd. He told me I didn't need to go in the other room...but I did anyway. I crawled back to his room at 5:18 am in a Nyquil induced dope....and drug my ass out of bed at 6:45 am. I think I only got about 4 hours of sleep. All of my friends who have kids just let out a maniacal laugh at my bitching for only getting 4 hours of sleep.... 4 hours is a full night's sleep for any parent.
I am sooo looking forward to next week.... I love Thanksgiving. A holiday that you get at least 4 days off in a row....sleep in....take naps...ahhhh. I don't have to buy anyone presents. I get to see my family. And...I get to eat like it's my full-time job and the menu is full of meals with gravy, sauces, bread, cheese, ham and turkey. Bliss.

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