OK. Please tell me that these things happen in 3's. To start off....Todd's best friend and best man in the wedding Rog had a death in the family. Rog lives in California....and came out last weekend to host Todd's bachelor party. Yesterday he was taking his Dad to the doctor because he has not been feeling well....and he had a heart attack and soooo horribly died in the garage of their house. I am freaking freaking freaking out. How sad. I have tears streaming down my face.....how horrible. The ONLY saving grace is that Rog was HERE and got to spend several days with his dad (since he lives in California).
Now....my grandma A can't come to the wedding. She strained her back and is in so much pain she can't walk. She was crying on the phone with me today about how sad she is to miss the wedding. I will call her moments before I walk down the aisle to tell her I am thinking of her.
And....one of Todd's other groomsmen spent yesterday in the hospital. Come to find out he had a kidney stone.
Tell me.
These things happen in 3's.
I can't take any more.
Come & relax now~Put your troubles down~No need to bear the weight of your worries~You let them all fade away~
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Update on the Bachlorette Party
I loved it. Started with lunch at Beau Joe's Pizza in Idaho Springs. Then to the hot springs and spa. I admit, I was a little freaked out about the naked part of the spa day...in the hot springs. But it was not weird at all...it was like changing at the gym. Not weird at all. First...I was with my bestest friends. Second...it was dark and everyone had a huge sheet to wear while walking around. Of course the ones who should NOT walk around totally naked without their sheets....did. But who cares? (shrug) It was a wonderfully relaxing day. We all got massages...and I was so relaxed I did that snort-breathe-in noise....like when you are 1/2 asleep and start to wake up...snort snort....mouth breather. It was funny. I had a blast and my girls made me feel super duper special. Hugs!
Top 5 Friendliest City
Denver is one of the Top 4 Friendliest City per The Today Show. I have to agree.
....see watching The Today Show and blogging on a weekday at 9 am is so nice.
....see watching The Today Show and blogging on a weekday at 9 am is so nice.
I'm Free
I have that song that goes like "I'm FREE to do what I want...any ol' time...cuz I'm FREE!" Don't know who sings it (besides me) but I love it. Picture me dancing around my house pumping my fist in the air like a total dork. But....I AM free. I worked my ass off and got all of my stuff done on my exit book for MOD until late last night..and now I am free. I have 2 freaking weeks off. I have never had 2 weeks off from work....ever. I am so excited. I start my new gig in radio on June 11th. So excited. Here's the irony of the first day of my vacation. I got up at 7 am. WTF? Oh yes....I did. I have stuff-to-do. Stuff for ME. Today I am getting a high light and hair cut. Bliss. Then picking up my wedding dress. Love it. Then going to get waxed. Ouch. But necessary. Then to tan and run some errands. Weeeeee!
...."Cuz I am FREE...to do what I want....any ol' time.....I am free!" :)
...."Cuz I am FREE...to do what I want....any ol' time.....I am free!" :)
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Sex AND the City
I am a huge fan of Sex and the City. Love it. I am gonna try to see the movie on Friday before the rehearsal dinner. Can't wait. The media coverage on the movie has been frustrating me. Well...ok...two things are frustrating me. 1. Every time I see a movie trailer or hear an interview...I learn more than I want to about the plot. Save SOMETHING as a surprise folks. 2. I am sick and tired...tired and sick of hearing dee jays and tv hosts say..."Sex IN the City"...not "Sex AND the City"....makes me crazy.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
ONE week from today....
.... is our wedding day. Friends and family are starting to arrive in town. Wowsa. I am so happy.
On the map
Our little part of the world is finally on the map. We have a Starbucks 2 miles from our house. I mean if Starbucks has noticed our little part of town...we must be important. I don't necessarily love Starbucks...I could take it or leave it...but the symbolism of its presence in my neighborhood means tons to me.
I find entertainment in giving Todd constant updates on the other businesses opening up around us. Last fall tractors started breaking ground on something down the street from our house. Literally less than 1 mile away. I was in heaven. Every time I drove by that place I would say, "All I want is a yoga studio, nail place, a liquor store, small convenience store, gas station, mexican restaurant and sports bar. Make it SO! POOF!" I am not THAT demanding. Anyway. A few months ago...a liquor store opened. Sweet. Then, a Dominos Pizza. Nice. Just this week, a Chinese Restaurant AND a Dry Cleaners. Woo hoo! (Pumping my fist in the air) AND...there is a new sign up that reads "Elite Nails". OH MY! There are still 5 empty businesses to be filled....there's still hope for my yoga studio, sports bar and mexican restaurant. We had chinese food last night...that place was packed...standing room only. I love it.
I find entertainment in giving Todd constant updates on the other businesses opening up around us. Last fall tractors started breaking ground on something down the street from our house. Literally less than 1 mile away. I was in heaven. Every time I drove by that place I would say, "All I want is a yoga studio, nail place, a liquor store, small convenience store, gas station, mexican restaurant and sports bar. Make it SO! POOF!" I am not THAT demanding. Anyway. A few months ago...a liquor store opened. Sweet. Then, a Dominos Pizza. Nice. Just this week, a Chinese Restaurant AND a Dry Cleaners. Woo hoo! (Pumping my fist in the air) AND...there is a new sign up that reads "Elite Nails". OH MY! There are still 5 empty businesses to be filled....there's still hope for my yoga studio, sports bar and mexican restaurant. We had chinese food last night...that place was packed...standing room only. I love it.
My future husband is a genius. Last night I was painting my nails. I handed him a bottle of polish that was being a booger to open. He tried and tried to open it. No luck. He stands up and starts pacing around the kitchen opening drawers...closing drawers.....opening drawers...closing drawers. Then the A-ha moment! He raised in the air the rubbery end of our turkey baster like a trophy. He put the top of the polish bottle inside the turkey baster hole...twists...victory! He opened my polish! He's a genius and should market that idea. Just gotta love that guy.
Water Works
I am too loyal of an employee. I worked my ass off yesterday at my OLD job until 6:30...office closed at 12 noon. And to add insult to injury, I was total water works all day yesterday too...crying every time I told someone I was leaving. I was baffled by the tears. I am so NOT a crier. I am so NOT sad I am leaving. I am so NOT going to miss anyone there. So what is up with all the boo hoo's? I figured it out last night (as I laid in bed wide awake excited that the wedding is one week away...and more importantly...the honeymoon is one week and 2 days away)...I think I was crying because that job BEAT me. It beat me down...and I don't like to lose. l basically had to quit. ...or it was going to kill me. Silly??? Hell and yes it is....but that has got to be it. Oh well. Shrug.
Letting the cat out of the bag
I am gonna let the cat out of the bag before the "official" announcement this Tuesday. I am leaving MOD for a General Sales Manager position with KEZW. I am so pumped. I can picture a few of my friends rubbing their eyes and looking back at the screen...What? Did I read that right? Emily is going into SALES? To the DARK side? :) Yup. It's true...and I can't freaking wait. Isn't it just like me to do 5 million BIG things all at once? Get married. Go on a honeymoon. Get a new job. Ah...such is my life.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Somebody tell me WHY
Somebody tell me WHY the f-ing Osmonds are EVERYWHERE? How did that happen... really? For 25 years...nuttin...thankfully. I didn't have to see an Osmond on TV for 25 years. Now, I can't watch any gossip or entertainment show without some piece on the Osmonds. Their new tour. Marie has lost weight. Donny sings "Puppy Love" to homeless pets. Marie is moving on after her divorce. Marie's son is a good person...even though he's a drug addict. Pleeeaaasse make it stop. I can't figure out what is so interesting about these crazy Mormons??? Humpf.
Money Tree
Todd had one plant when I met him. Slowly but surely it started to die. I would water it when I was there...but to no avail. I thought it was odd that he was working so hard to save this plant when he realized it wasn't doing well. All of the leaves fell off...and in a pot...stood...a single stick....just a stick. He watered it and loved on that plant until it came back....now it's a huge plant. One single stick and at the top....a huge sprout of leaves. I recently pointed out a similar plant in my friend's office saying, "we have one of those plants." My friend told me that it was a MONEY plant. I went home that night and said, "Amy has one of those plants too...it's a money plant." Todd said, "See! That is why I worked so hard to save that plant...you can't let a MONEY plant die!" Amen....Amen.

Gorgeous stuff...for very inexpensive. We got $1,500 under worth of goods (per Scandinavian Designs website) for $400. Sweet. I am a new fan of Teak. We are going back this Saturday for the sweet solid teak coffee table...for $150.
I think its funny that Barkley keeps getting in all the pictures.
Ignore the ugly chair in front of the new desk....need to find a new one...but this one will do.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Frank Sinatra Jr
This morning on the Today Show, Meredith interviewed Nancy and Frank Sinatra Jr. Well....Jr. was in a very bad mood....and was downright nasty to poor Meredith. She was trying to include Mr. Grumpy Pants in the interview...but he was not interested. I laughed.
Carly Simon reads my blog
Well...Carly Simon must read my blog. I got a comment on my post "Carly You Suck". Funny.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Fraud protection
I was at Kmart yesterday purchasing $1,300 in gift cards for work. I swipe one card. Declined. Sweet. I swipe a 2nd card...and now the clerk is looking at me weird and calling over managers. Sweet. Kmart is one of our national sponsors...and if some who-ha happens with me or my credit card...or whatever....let me assure you....the story will be told all the way up to our national office. It just works that way with them. So. Sweat starts pouring from my head and I start thinking, "dang, I know I paid my bill...I know I have the credit line to pay for these...what in the HELL is going on here?" Then seconds later, my cell phone blows up...I have 2 incoming calls. I pick up #1...its the fraud department of card #1. I listen to the voicemail from the 2nd call...it's the fraud department from card #2. I am sooooo happy for the protection...but dang. We got a call at 8 am this morning (yes on a Saturday) from card #1 to verify my attempt to use the card....yet AGAIN. And...I just spent 20 minutes on line with card #2 clearing that up (after spending 45 minutes on hold yesterday trying to clear it up). Again...love the protection....but lesson learned is that if you are going to make a big purchase at a Kmart....call your cards and alert them....because no one ever spends that kind of cash at Kmart. I know MY purchasing history doesn't include 'em.
Rehersal dinner
Our rehearsal dinner is causing a load of drama on my side of the family. Now help me out here folks....a rehearsal dinner is traditionally attended by.....the bride & groom (duh), their immediate family, the wedding party and out of town guests. OK. My aunt (who is A. not in my immediate family. B. not in the wedding party. And C. not an out of town guest) is PISSSSSED OFFF that she is not invited to the rehearsal dinner. So pissed in fact that she made some shitty excuse as to why she won't host Mother's Day at her house this year. Good freaking lord. And to add insult to injury....she threw a fit (to my Grandma not to me or my mom) that I hadn't invited her freaking high school exchange student to the wedding. WTF? I have met this kid twice. But apparently she is pissed because "He is part of our family." Your family maybe...but come on. SOOOO...I hear she is pissed....I pick up the phone....I call her. I tell her that we are too close to each other for her not to call me about this before it got blown out of proportion. I invited the freaking exchange student and asked that she call me if something else is not being handled the way she wants. Now this. Now she is pissed again about the rehearsal dinner. Did she call me? Eh. No. She was sure to tell my anyone in my family who will listen...but me, my mom or my dad. Whatever. I have been a bridesmaid 14 times....so I have been around my share of weddings. And there is always ONE (or 12) who have to make issue of everything. I guess she is my one. I am most bummed that she didn't call me....I thought we were closer.
Bachelorette party
Today is my bachelorette party. Me and my girls are going up in the mountains to a spa to soak in the hot springs and get massages and a myriad of other spa treatments. Very excited....need the relaxation and recharge. The one part of the day that the jury is still out on whether or not I will like this....is that the soak in the springs is apparently a naked one. Wha? I found that out about the nakedness after this was booked and the invite had gone out to the girls. It will be a new experience....so I love that...love new experiences. I have to keep an open mind.
Carly you suck
I laughed out loud at the performance of Carly Simon on Leno. It was hoorrrific! She was way off key and the song really truly sucked. Now, I can't carry a tune in a bucket... I know that. But then again...I am not on Leno squawking like a duck either. It was nuts. Most of her band starred at the ground in front of them and none of them looked like they were having a good time. I hope her family is honest with her about her performance....because I am sure the critics will be.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
From my window
From my window just now I watched as a bride, the mother of the bride, 2 bridesmaids and a flower girl all loaded into their car to drive to her wedding. They live directly across the street. I got this weird knot in my stomach. She was a beautiful bride....how exciting.
Friday, May 02, 2008
Todd's sisters suggested we register for stuff at the resort at which we are enjoying our honeymoon. So...we did. Weeeeee! So far we have gotten a "lobster cruise" and an "ATV tour". Yay! The lobster cruise is a lobster dinner on a ship at sunset. Bliss. How romantic. And the ATV tour is where we ride ATVs along the beach to a remote location for swimming, sunning and snorkeling. It includes a picnic lunch. Holy smokes....doesn't that sound F-U-N?
I am sorry. When did I move to a state that was this windy? I am sick and tired. Tired and SICK. Of the WIND! Hate it. When did Colorado become such a windy state? It sucks.
Leave it to me
I am going to share an email thread with you that was scary and shocking to me. I will remove the names to protect the innocent.
It started with an email from a friend to a list of her friends. It included a link to vote for her daughter's video to win a contest to be featured as one of Obama's tv commercials.
"Please vote! Elizabeth worked on this video, and no matter what your political choices are, this is just about the video and not a vote for Obama. Since Obama has the bucks to buy TV, at least let him use my daughter's video!"
Next, comment from an email recipient:
It's not just about the video. It's also about Obama's association with that poisonous racist "Reverend" Wright and that Ayers character who tried to kill some of my fellow soldiers at Ft. Dix but is now a tenured professor. Maybe you should have your daughter make a video about the lives that we save everyday in Iraq, about the security we provide for the hospitals and schools and market places and freely elected leaders of Iraq. Maybe she could make a documentary about the Al Qaeda torture houses that we still find, or about the way US prisoners are treated. They are tortured, murdered, mutilated, dismembered and then booby trapped. Where is the hue and cry from Amnesty International when that happens? I don't see the ACLU complaining about those Geneva Convention violations.When Obama pulls us out of Iraq it will be the most ignominious betrayal of the military ever, let alone the mind-numbing sacrifices that the Iraqis have made for their self-determination. I pray to God every day John McCain is elected.Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Then a myriad of email comments from the peanut gallery. Keep in mind. Reply all. To many many people.
Actually, this IS about the video Karen’s daughter helped to make, and not about anyone’s beliefs.
As a die hard Obama supporter I would appreciate you not emailing me further on this topic, especially since I have no idea who you are. Besides, Karen clearly stated she was looking to support her daughter, not start an angry political debate.
I kinda agree.
The crazy guy has a response:
Again, this email came to me entirely unsolicited. Again, it really doesn't surprise me to know that the story of our sacrifice falls on deaf ears. The plain truth is that Obama is going stab in the back every one of us who has put their lives on the line. By the way, you are welcome for our military service. Have fun supporting the racist, radical, anti-military Left.
Then...I had to comment.
Anyone who knows me knows that I wouldn't be able to let this go. Ahem. Here we go.
Let me first apologize for the reply all. But I feel that everyone needs to have the opportunity see my comments. If you choose to read on...do...or delete.
Dear (insert crazy man's name here),
Sir, I have never met you, however, your horrible anger scares me. You carry a gun? Wow. Your short temper should be addressed professionally.
IF you actually READ our dear sweet Karen's email she is beaming with pride for her daughter Elizabeth who has had aspirations of working in film since I have known her. You go Lizzie...I am proud of you. I don't like Coke products, but if Lizzie made a commercial for Coke....I wouldn't FLIP out. Pleeeassse turn your energy into something more productive. I hear they are taking applications for protesters at the DNC in August.
Warm Wishes,
To which crazy replied:
I'm sorry if the response offended you. Maybe you are right insofar as I over-reacted. But this email came to me unsolicited and is of a highly political nature. It isn't neutral. You can't expect people not to react. And yes, I agree that sending political messages to people's work emails is inappropriate. I do apologize. No disrespect to Lizzie, but this is heavy duty stuff we are dealing with. In all of the emails I have gotten back, not one has in any way deal substantively with the issues I have brought up. I'm not angry. I'm not crazy. But I do serve with people who have paid a heavy price for helping the people of Iraq determine their own future, something you seem to be oblivious to. When Obama talks about leaving Iraq in 60 days it means people that we know over there will get killed, period, Iraqi and American. Doctors, teachers, elected leaders, tribal leaders, police, and yes, American soldiers. In short, anyone who is trying to make progress in Iraq. It really is very personal. And the fact that you would compare me with the crazies that are invading my beautiful city this summer for the DNC (I grew up in Capitol Hill)...It's so far off base I just don't know what to say. I would only ask that you confront what I have said with intellectual honesty. I graduated with honors from Colorado College in 1991. My Senior Thesis was an anti-war study of the Gulf War in 1990-91. My senior advisor was Jeff Livesay, who was a founding member of SDS (hard left anti-war organization) at Harvard during Viet Nam.I will listen to any arguments you might have and give them careful consideration.
Crazy guy
I won't bore you with the rest of the gross details. But I will tell you this. This guy has never served a minute in Iraq. Quit his job last year and went to boot camp leaving behind a wife and 2 small kids with little or no way to support themselves. Is back from boot camp. NO job. Not serving in the army for whatever reason (probably because he's coo coo for cocoa puffs). And for the record...the original email from my friend about her daughter's work...was sent to his wife's email...not to him. He checked her email without her approval. Freak-a-zoid.
It started with an email from a friend to a list of her friends. It included a link to vote for her daughter's video to win a contest to be featured as one of Obama's tv commercials.
"Please vote! Elizabeth worked on this video, and no matter what your political choices are, this is just about the video and not a vote for Obama. Since Obama has the bucks to buy TV, at least let him use my daughter's video!"
Next, comment from an email recipient:
It's not just about the video. It's also about Obama's association with that poisonous racist "Reverend" Wright and that Ayers character who tried to kill some of my fellow soldiers at Ft. Dix but is now a tenured professor. Maybe you should have your daughter make a video about the lives that we save everyday in Iraq, about the security we provide for the hospitals and schools and market places and freely elected leaders of Iraq. Maybe she could make a documentary about the Al Qaeda torture houses that we still find, or about the way US prisoners are treated. They are tortured, murdered, mutilated, dismembered and then booby trapped. Where is the hue and cry from Amnesty International when that happens? I don't see the ACLU complaining about those Geneva Convention violations.When Obama pulls us out of Iraq it will be the most ignominious betrayal of the military ever, let alone the mind-numbing sacrifices that the Iraqis have made for their self-determination. I pray to God every day John McCain is elected.Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Then a myriad of email comments from the peanut gallery. Keep in mind. Reply all. To many many people.
Actually, this IS about the video Karen’s daughter helped to make, and not about anyone’s beliefs.
As a die hard Obama supporter I would appreciate you not emailing me further on this topic, especially since I have no idea who you are. Besides, Karen clearly stated she was looking to support her daughter, not start an angry political debate.
I kinda agree.
The crazy guy has a response:
Again, this email came to me entirely unsolicited. Again, it really doesn't surprise me to know that the story of our sacrifice falls on deaf ears. The plain truth is that Obama is going stab in the back every one of us who has put their lives on the line. By the way, you are welcome for our military service. Have fun supporting the racist, radical, anti-military Left.
Then...I had to comment.
Anyone who knows me knows that I wouldn't be able to let this go. Ahem. Here we go.
Let me first apologize for the reply all. But I feel that everyone needs to have the opportunity see my comments. If you choose to read on...do...or delete.
Dear (insert crazy man's name here),
Sir, I have never met you, however, your horrible anger scares me. You carry a gun? Wow. Your short temper should be addressed professionally.
IF you actually READ our dear sweet Karen's email she is beaming with pride for her daughter Elizabeth who has had aspirations of working in film since I have known her. You go Lizzie...I am proud of you. I don't like Coke products, but if Lizzie made a commercial for Coke....I wouldn't FLIP out. Pleeeassse turn your energy into something more productive. I hear they are taking applications for protesters at the DNC in August.
Warm Wishes,
To which crazy replied:
I'm sorry if the response offended you. Maybe you are right insofar as I over-reacted. But this email came to me unsolicited and is of a highly political nature. It isn't neutral. You can't expect people not to react. And yes, I agree that sending political messages to people's work emails is inappropriate. I do apologize. No disrespect to Lizzie, but this is heavy duty stuff we are dealing with. In all of the emails I have gotten back, not one has in any way deal substantively with the issues I have brought up. I'm not angry. I'm not crazy. But I do serve with people who have paid a heavy price for helping the people of Iraq determine their own future, something you seem to be oblivious to. When Obama talks about leaving Iraq in 60 days it means people that we know over there will get killed, period, Iraqi and American. Doctors, teachers, elected leaders, tribal leaders, police, and yes, American soldiers. In short, anyone who is trying to make progress in Iraq. It really is very personal. And the fact that you would compare me with the crazies that are invading my beautiful city this summer for the DNC (I grew up in Capitol Hill)...It's so far off base I just don't know what to say. I would only ask that you confront what I have said with intellectual honesty. I graduated with honors from Colorado College in 1991. My Senior Thesis was an anti-war study of the Gulf War in 1990-91. My senior advisor was Jeff Livesay, who was a founding member of SDS (hard left anti-war organization) at Harvard during Viet Nam.I will listen to any arguments you might have and give them careful consideration.
Crazy guy
I won't bore you with the rest of the gross details. But I will tell you this. This guy has never served a minute in Iraq. Quit his job last year and went to boot camp leaving behind a wife and 2 small kids with little or no way to support themselves. Is back from boot camp. NO job. Not serving in the army for whatever reason (probably because he's coo coo for cocoa puffs). And for the record...the original email from my friend about her daughter's work...was sent to his wife's email...not to him. He checked her email without her approval. Freak-a-zoid.
I am coming out of the fog. The fog that was created by 17 hour work days. Sad. I wish I was joking. I need a new job...and am actively working to get there. For around 3 weeks I was starting my day at 8:15 am...then working straight until about 1:15 am. No shit. I am not proud of this. Just a fact. I am back...and have some things to post. Stay tuned.
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