Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Money Tree

Todd had one plant when I met him. Slowly but surely it started to die. I would water it when I was there...but to no avail. I thought it was odd that he was working so hard to save this plant when he realized it wasn't doing well. All of the leaves fell off...and in a pot...stood...a single stick....just a stick. He watered it and loved on that plant until it came it's a huge plant. One single stick and at the top....a huge sprout of leaves. I recently pointed out a similar plant in my friend's office saying, "we have one of those plants." My friend told me that it was a MONEY plant. I went home that night and said, "Amy has one of those plants's a money plant." Todd said, "See! That is why I worked so hard to save that can't let a MONEY plant die!" Amen....Amen.

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