Saturday, May 24, 2008

On the map

Our little part of the world is finally on the map. We have a Starbucks 2 miles from our house. I mean if Starbucks has noticed our little part of town...we must be important. I don't necessarily love Starbucks...I could take it or leave it...but the symbolism of its presence in my neighborhood means tons to me.

I find entertainment in giving Todd constant updates on the other businesses opening up around us. Last fall tractors started breaking ground on something down the street from our house. Literally less than 1 mile away. I was in heaven. Every time I drove by that place I would say, "All I want is a yoga studio, nail place, a liquor store, small convenience store, gas station, mexican restaurant and sports bar. Make it SO! POOF!" I am not THAT demanding. Anyway. A few months ago...a liquor store opened. Sweet. Then, a Dominos Pizza. Nice. Just this week, a Chinese Restaurant AND a Dry Cleaners. Woo hoo! (Pumping my fist in the air) AND...there is a new sign up that reads "Elite Nails". OH MY! There are still 5 empty businesses to be filled....there's still hope for my yoga studio, sports bar and mexican restaurant. We had chinese food last night...that place was packed...standing room only. I love it.

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