I am going to share an email thread with you that was scary and shocking to me. I will remove the names to protect the innocent.
It started with an email from a friend to a list of her friends. It included a link to vote for her daughter's video to win a contest to be featured as one of Obama's tv commercials.
"Please vote! Elizabeth worked on this video, and no matter what your political choices are, this is just about the video and not a vote for Obama. Since Obama has the bucks to buy TV, at least let him use my daughter's video!"
Next, comment from an email recipient:
It's not just about the video. It's also about Obama's association with that poisonous racist "Reverend" Wright and that Ayers character who tried to kill some of my fellow soldiers at Ft. Dix but is now a tenured professor. Maybe you should have your daughter make a video about the lives that we save everyday in Iraq, about the security we provide for the hospitals and schools and market places and freely elected leaders of Iraq. Maybe she could make a documentary about the Al Qaeda torture houses that we still find, or about the way US prisoners are treated. They are tortured, murdered, mutilated, dismembered and then booby trapped. Where is the hue and cry from Amnesty International when that happens? I don't see the ACLU complaining about those Geneva Convention violations.When Obama pulls us out of Iraq it will be the most ignominious betrayal of the military ever, let alone the mind-numbing sacrifices that the Iraqis have made for their self-determination. I pray to God every day John McCain is elected.Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Then a myriad of email comments from the peanut gallery. Keep in mind. Reply all. To many many people.
Actually, this IS about the video Karen’s daughter helped to make, and not about anyone’s beliefs.
As a die hard Obama supporter I would appreciate you not emailing me further on this topic, especially since I have no idea who you are. Besides, Karen clearly stated she was looking to support her daughter, not start an angry political debate.
I kinda agree.
The crazy guy has a response:
Again, this email came to me entirely unsolicited. Again, it really doesn't surprise me to know that the story of our sacrifice falls on deaf ears. The plain truth is that Obama is going stab in the back every one of us who has put their lives on the line. By the way, you are welcome for our military service. Have fun supporting the racist, radical, anti-military Left.
Then...I had to comment.
Anyone who knows me knows that I wouldn't be able to let this go. Ahem. Here we go.
Let me first apologize for the reply all. But I feel that everyone needs to have the opportunity see my comments. If you choose to read on...do...or delete.
Dear (insert crazy man's name here),
Sir, I have never met you, however, your horrible anger scares me. You carry a gun? Wow. Your short temper should be addressed professionally.
IF you actually READ our dear sweet Karen's email she is beaming with pride for her daughter Elizabeth who has had aspirations of working in film since I have known her. You go Lizzie...I am proud of you. I don't like Coke products, but if Lizzie made a commercial for Coke....I wouldn't FLIP out. Pleeeassse turn your energy into something more productive. I hear they are taking applications for protesters at the DNC in August.
Warm Wishes,
To which crazy replied:
I'm sorry if the response offended you. Maybe you are right insofar as I over-reacted. But this email came to me unsolicited and is of a highly political nature. It isn't neutral. You can't expect people not to react. And yes, I agree that sending political messages to people's work emails is inappropriate. I do apologize. No disrespect to Lizzie, but this is heavy duty stuff we are dealing with. In all of the emails I have gotten back, not one has in any way deal substantively with the issues I have brought up. I'm not angry. I'm not crazy. But I do serve with people who have paid a heavy price for helping the people of Iraq determine their own future, something you seem to be oblivious to. When Obama talks about leaving Iraq in 60 days it means people that we know over there will get killed, period, Iraqi and American. Doctors, teachers, elected leaders, tribal leaders, police, and yes, American soldiers. In short, anyone who is trying to make progress in Iraq. It really is very personal. And the fact that you would compare me with the crazies that are invading my beautiful city this summer for the DNC (I grew up in Capitol Hill)...It's so far off base I just don't know what to say. I would only ask that you confront what I have said with intellectual honesty. I graduated with honors from Colorado College in 1991. My Senior Thesis was an anti-war study of the Gulf War in 1990-91. My senior advisor was Jeff Livesay, who was a founding member of SDS (hard left anti-war organization) at Harvard during Viet Nam.I will listen to any arguments you might have and give them careful consideration.
Crazy guy
I won't bore you with the rest of the gross details. But I will tell you this. This guy has never served a minute in Iraq. Quit his job last year and went to boot camp leaving behind a wife and 2 small kids with little or no way to support themselves. Is back from boot camp. NO job. Not serving in the army for whatever reason (probably because he's coo coo for cocoa puffs). And for the record...the original email from my friend about her daughter's work...was sent to his wife's email...not to him. He checked her email without her approval. Freak-a-zoid.
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